Monday, May 17, 2010

MAY 17, 2010

So, it's been a while since I updated this blog.  Honestly, I took a break from a lot of things.  I took about a 2 week break from working out, I have been only doing basic things with regards to advocacy, and I've just been enjoying life.

Having said that, it's time I get back into the swing of things, so here I am.  I am back working out (last night was yoga with Jillian, so I know the sore muscles are bound to start up, but it's all good). I have gotten back into the advocacy world, by attending meetings, talking with other survivors, and planning the next 12-24 months for the local CCA chapter.  I've also been looking into opportunities for expanding i2y and other groups that I know need to be spread around Phoenix, which are going to have to take a back seat until I end my tenure with the executive board of CCA-CAZ, probably next year.

This weekend, I spent time with the CCA chapter to talk about plans for the next 24 months, and there is so much we want to do!  It's very exciting, a little intimidating, and overall, just a wonderful thing to see!  I started speaking with a lady that I got in touch with through Imerman Angels - she's starting treatment for her colon cancer, and it's been so rewarding to know that I can use my experiences to try to help her through her own journey.

And, how's my journey going, you might ask?  So far so good - I am due for another colonoscopy in early summer, along with an updated PET scan.  We'll obviously know more then.  Until then, I am getting mentally prepared to celebrate my 2 year cancer-versary on Sunday - yes, Sunday the 23rd is my mother's birthday, and is the 2-year anniversary of my diagnosis.  (Obviously, mom's birthday is WAY more important to celebrate - wish I could be there with her!)  But, it's still a date that I need to think about, remember, and celebrate.  I can't believe what's happened over the past 24 months, and it boggles me to think about where I was 2 years ago versus where I am now.  I feel like I'm a totally different person, but more, it's like I am someone who I always was, but I just didn't know it.

Alright, enough for now.  This week will be a week of looking back, and looking forward.  I need to do both.  It's not easy looking back, remembering where I was, what we all went through, and knowing how hard it was.  It's also not easy looking forward, knowing that I don't know what's going to happen, but realizing that I can only control certain things and have to leave the rest to fate.  I'm going to spend what time I have left enjoying life, and not sweating the things I can't change.


Kristin ZW said...
Hi Michelle,
Reading your story reminds me of an author in a very similar situation. Alesia Shute is a childhood cancer survivor and wrote her story, and has dedicated her life to fighting this disease. Check out her website becaue the two of you might be able to help each other.
May 21, 2010 at 5:44 AM