Wednesday, April 13, 2011

APRIL 13, 2011

Earlier this year, I was contacted by Vim and Vigor, a magazine that has a readership of over 600,000 in the US and Canada - they asked me to take part in a story they plan to run about young adult cancer survivors.  Of course I was in, and I interviewed on the phone that week with a woman named Lisa, who is herself a cancer survivor.  It's always fun to do these type of things - I get to meet new people, get to hear how others handle the situation, and then (hopefully) help make a difference in someone's life.

Last week, I took part in the photo shoot for the story, and I wanted to post some pictures.  These aren't the finals - these were taken by Helene, another survivor on the shoot. 
The three survivors - Helene, Doug and I.  Doug and I met previously with our work with The Wellness Community, so it was fun to see him again and get to know him better.  I had never met Helene, but am so glad I did.  She's a spitfire with a TON of energy, and truly an inspiration!

Shots of me - it was funny, they asked us to bring a variety of clothes. which I did.  Apparently, they didn't like what I brought :( so they went out and bought new clothes for me to try. :)  I asked if this is what happens on shoots, and they said it is.  Hmph - must be what supermodels feel like.  Sort of.  In a very roundabout way.  And, they let me keep the outfit.  SCORE!

 A preliminary, not-final-at-all mock-up of the potential photo for the story.  Obviously, photoshopped, but OH SO COOL!  I cannot wait to see the final results - they are supposed to email us a pdf of the story and final cut.  Can't wait!  Apparently, the magazine will be released in August, so we should have the story soon.   Amazing what cancer can lead you to....


Heat said...

I was in Spirit of Women, but they used a photo that had already been taken.

Photo shoot! Fun fun fun!

Can't wait to see the article!!!!
April 13, 2011 at 9:06 AM
Blogger Bum Luxury said...
Cute outfit:) I love free stuff!
May 13, 2011 at 8:53 PM


Happy Birthday to my gorgeous daughter, Julia.  She turns 9 today, and I couldn't be more proud of the person she's become.  It's been a blast watching her grow up, and I'm so glad to be here to see her continue to become this amazing little lady!

Levi was home the last two days (he had to go to CA today), so we decided to start celebrating Jules' birthday early.  He filled her bedroom with balloons.  Over 380 of them.
The soon-to-be-birthday girl with her brother in the balloon-filled room!

As you can see, her room was filled - she didn't even have a place to sleep!  So, the balloon migration (to Kevin's room) began.  Levi set up a fan, put some balloons in the hallway, and let the fan do the work.  Jules' then routed the balloons into Kevin's room.  :)
Levi trying to stack the balloons into a mountain, so Julia could get to bed.

This morning, Julia was up REALLY early, which had me worried since today is also the first day of standardized testing.  *sigh*  But, I made her a great breakfast, she got to open her first gift (the nifty birthday shirt and tiara, as well as bracelets and lip-gloss-rings) and get ready for the BIG DAY!

Tonight, my parents and I will take the kids out for Julia's birthday, and I'm still debating if she's going to go to karate tonight.  I'm going to decide last-minute, based on her energy level.  I'm also meeting Julia at school and delivering a good punch of sugar after the kids have lunch (cupcakes), which should be fun.  :)

This weekend, she's having a friend over for a low-key party.  We're heading to Build-A-Bear for a celebration, then back to the house for what I'm sure will be a full night!  


chaoticfamily said...

Happy Birthday to your girl. My son turns 9 this summer.

Thank-you for sharing your story about your cancer fight! I found your blog via My Dad's fighting stage 3B colorectal cancer and it's been quite the emotional roller coaster ride for us all. Take care!

May 13, 2011 at 4:47 PM