Tuesday, June 28, 2011

JUNE 28, 2011

So, i'ts been over a month since I posted - I know, I'm a slacker.  Sorry - life got in the way.  :)

What's happened?  Um, my son turned 5 (gasp!), we had a HUGE birthday/cancer-versary party that was a ton of fun, we've had some visitors in town, and Levi and I each turned the calendar on another year.  Overall, a pretty successful month!  Kevin's birthday and subsequent party were awesome - this was really the first year he *gets* his birthday and the whole concept, so it was fun to have his first real birthday party, complete with around 40 guests, friends, presents, cake, etc.  Awesome time!

The weekend after that, my amazing friends Sharon and Phil and their gorgeous daughters Rachael and Ellie came into town for a nephew's wedding and we were able to spend the day with them.  I miss all my CP friends way too much, so seeing them sort of quelled the heartache (for a bit).  Need to get the rest of them down here.  Actually, we just need to follow through with our Vegas trip...

After that, we had Levi's birthday and Father's Day, which fell on the same day, and two days later, my 35th birthday.  Then, this weekend, my sister-in-law and her husband came into town, and we got to see the Frank Lloyd Wright house here in Scottsdale called Taliesen West.    It's not something I would have gone to see independently, so I'm glad we went - it was very interesting!  I didn't know anything about Wright, so it was a great learning experience for me.  He was definitely, um, eccentric!

This week, we are packing the kids for their annual sojourn to NY.  They leave with Levi on Thursday, leaving me alone for the holiday weekend.  Don't fret, I have plenty of things planned!  Last night, my heart ached a little bit, thinking about not having my kids around, but they are only going to be gone for about three weeks, so it shouldn't be too bad.   I've decided to take advantage of this time and get back into a routine of working out, working on my business, and getting things for me done.  Taking time out for me, essentially.

So, Thursday morning, we'll be up before anyone else (unless you live on the other side of the world...LOL!) and off to the airport by 3am.  Yes, 3 am.  *sigh*  Then, I work most of the day, nap a bit, then off to my concert.  Oh yes, they are back - I am going to see my boys, New Kids on the Block!  I cannot wait!  You may remember that
 I went to see my boys back in October of 2008, when I was still in the midst of chemo.  I was tired and couldn't stay the whole time (I had taken Jules, and she was tired...).  So, this time, I'm going with one of my amazing friends, Erin.  I cannot wait!  To say that I'm excited is an understatement.  And, I'm very much looking forward to seeing the ENTIRE concert!  From the suite, no less....

Friday is going to be spent catching up on sleep from the night before, then working and then attending a couple of meetings/dinners.  Saturday is going to be my favorite day of the week - I am going to spend the morning and part of the afternoon lounging around at the 
Wigwam Resort , specifically hanging out at the Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa (you know you're jealous), getting a massage and enjoying the life of luxury.  My wonderful friend Ilana won tickets an event at the spa, which included a treatment session - so, we are taking advantage of it on Saturday.  She's getting a mani/pedi, and I'm going to get the massage.  Then, we are going to lounge around the pool, hang out in the hot tub, and relax while they pamper us.  This should be a wonderfully relaxing day!

Sunday and Monday, I have plans to hang out with friends, and I'll spend the rest of the days working out, cleaning up the house, and maybe (what a concept...) relaxing!  It should be interesting to have the house to myself.....we'll see how well I handle it.  Thinking I may have friends come stay with me.  Not sure I can handle the quiet.

Other than that, July will be spent working on my business, getting the kids rooms cleaned out and prepped for the upcoming school year, and waiting until they come back so we can begin the task of getting school uniforms purchased, along with supplies, backpacks, lunch bags, etc.  Kevin starts kindergarten this year (yikes!) so he's very excited!

My three year check-ups are coming up, which are weighing heavy on my mind - August will be filled with appts for the kids schools, but also a PET scan, colonoscopy, and oncology appointment.  Hoping for the best, and trying not to think too much about it.  We'll see how it goes.  :)

All right, all - have a wonderful day!  Should I post
NKOTBSB pictures?!?!


Cin said...
Hi Michelle.. Regards all the way from Singapore!! Came across your blog and im congrats in overcoming cancer... My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer just ytd.. hmm..

will definitely follow ur blog and take care! =)
June 29, 2011 at 1:34 AM
Blogger jnwhiteh said...
We'll commiserate, Tom leaves on Sunday for three months =)
June 29, 2011 at 3:00 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

Sounds like you've had some great time with family and friends. That is so important! I just had my first ever colonoscopy! Aren't you proud of me? All clean and good to go.
June 30, 2011 at 4:04 PM