Tuesday, December 13, 2011

DECEMBER 13, 2011

Today marks 5 weeks since my hysterectomy.  I'm sorry I haven't blogged - when I do feel good, I'm up and about (overdoing it, yes) and taking care of the mommy things I'm responsible for.  When I'm down and out - I am very definitively down and out.  Exhaustion, pain, and emotional instability seem to be markers of my tendency to think that mind over matter will work in this situation.  It won't.  Stupid body.

Since I last posted, I've tried really hard to become an expert at the art of relaxing.  I'm still in the "beginning" stages of that process, but I'm working on it.  For example, yesterday, the only things I did was take the kids to school, watch tv, play on the computer, work on Christmas cookie tags (while sitting down), get the kids from daycare, and make dinner.  Not a lot for my crazy-on-the-go normal life, but I think it may have been too much. Today will be about the same.  Matter of fact, it's 10am and I still haven't showered.  So far, I've gotten out of bed, got the kids ready for school and drove them there. :)  See - working on relaxing.  Oh - I'm doing laundry, too.

Overall, I think the recovery is going pretty much the way the drs had planned.  I think I went into the surgery expecting that in a month or so, I'd be back to normal.  Now, looking into other post-op hysterectomy ladies' stories, the expectation is that it can take 6-12 months before I feel whole again.  *sigh*  That isn't welcome information.  And, it could truly take longer than that, if I don't take it easy.  And, I usually don't.

The next couple of weeks are going to be cuh-razy.  Levi's still working out of town, and they have more work than they know what to do with.  This is normally a good thing, except that there aren't enough ppl to do the work in the many sites.  My MIL, Donna, comes into town Thursday night.  Levi comes home on Thursday night as well, to do some last minute work here in town (and possibly working on Saturday, which sucks).  I haven't gotten C'mas shopping done yet, and can't until Thursday or Friday (payday...LOL!).  Levi's back out to CA on Monday, Donna's in town until Thursday, and Levi's back on Friday.  The kids have a concert tomorrow night, and today's to-do list includes finding white shirts for both kids for the concert.  I also have to try to find a winter jacket for Kevin, since he's now lost two of them in a week.  I'm just going to duct tape them to him.  :)

I'm trying to remember to take it easy, but it's going to be a challenge over the next couple of weeks.  It's a good thing that I'm off of work until the end of the year - it's going to be tough to tackle what we have coming over the next two weeks - I can't imagine trying to juggle work, too.  Yikes!

Speaking of work, I'll be heading back after the first of the year.  I'm so grateful that I work for a company (and a boss) that is so willing to help me through everything.  I know I'll regret saying this later, but I'm looking forward to getting back to work.  It's going to be hard, but I can't wait to see/talk with everyone again.  Just don't tell them that, yet.  :)

As far as physical recovery, as I said, it's definitely slower than I want.  My tummy is still tender (not necessarily sore, but definitely tender).  I can't wear my pre-op jeans, so I had to go to a local resale store to get bigger sized jeans.  And, it still hurts to wear them.  I can, but not for too long.  So, I'm still wearing the same three pairs of yoga pants, which I'm quickly getting tired of (and wearing out).  My lower back bothers me when I overdo it, like I'm pretty sure I did yesterday; realized just now that a package was delivered and I picked it up to bring it into the house - which explains the back pain last night and today.  D'oh!  I'm still on a pretty regular regiment of Advil, which helps keep the inflammation down and the pain under control.  I'm very grateful for Advil.

I've noticed that since my surgery, I'm a lot more apt to cry or get emotional.  Not sure if that's something that will continue or will phase out as my body starts to regulate itself.  Might also have something to do with the fact that it's Christmas time (my favorite time of the year, hands down) and I am a sap for the commercials with sleeping babies, holiday songs, and emotional reunions on commercials.  It's going to be interesting to see  how this all plays out, that's for sure.

I think that's about it.  I should probably get up and take a shower now.  I'll try to be more diligent about posting.