Thursday, November 14, 2013

NOVEMBER 14, 2013

Well, as you may have already guessed, no news from me isn't always good news.  I'll try to give you the quick rundown of how the past month has gone for me.

As you know from my last post, my platelets were being very finicky.  On Tuesday, October 16th (I think that was the day - we'll pretend it was...), I went into the doctor's office with plans to have my blood counts done and to get two units of platelets, in preparation for our planned vacation to California the following day.  My body had different plans - my platelets were super low again (2, I think), my whites and reds were low, and I was running a fever.  All of this added up to me being admitted to the hospital at CTCA.  There was concern about the fever (I was obviously fighting something that my body couldn't fight off on its own), and with the rest of my numbers still being super low, there was a lot of concern about what could happen.  So, after coordinating care for the kids (they had that day off and were with me at the hospital when I had the appointment), getting home to get some creature comforts (like pajamas, my own shampoo and toothbrush, and some things to do) and having Levi drive me back down, I was admitted.

It was tough - I didn't want to cancel the trip to CA, but it was obvious that my body wasn't physically able to handle the travel, much less the activities that Three Little Birds 4 Life had planned for us.  Looking back, my body was so weak, so tired...being in the hospital was the right thing to do.

So, long story short, I was there for 22 days.  You read that right - over three weeks.  My body took a while to recover.  Dr. K. thinks that the Temodar I was on caused my bone marrow to go into hibernation (a known but seldom seen side effect of the Temodar....of course), and it took a while for my bone marrow to start working again.  Results from the bone marrow biopsy showed that my marrow was only working at 5% capacity, which meant that whatever was being used/died in my body (i.e., my white cells being used to fight infection) were not being replaced at the rate they were being used up.

I'm home now - I came home a week ago, and it's taking me a while to get back into the groove.  My back was killing me - mornings are awful.  Basically, laying flat/on my side all night causes the muscles to relax, and moving them in the morning is just painful - I can't even stand up straight in the morning!  But, I've already met with the pain doc at CTCA, and we've tweaked my pain meds to help me function better.

It's been amazing being home with the kids.  I think the hardest thing about being in the hospital was being away from my family.  We used Google Hangout each night to keep in touch, and Levi and I talked on the phone several times each day, but it just isn't the same.  I missed Halloween with the kids (damn it), but I got some pretty cool pictures of them in their costumes.

We are finally getting in the groove of being home together, and working around my issues.  My mother-in-law came into town to help us out, and will be here for a few more weeks.  The help we've received from everyone has been invaluable....I don't know how we would have done everything without them.  I'll be eternally grateful for the help, both here at home and while I was sitting in the hospital, waiting for my damn marrow to wake up.  :)

No plans for anything right yet, as far as chemo or treatment goes.  I need to recover more - my platelets were at 30 on Monday, which is amazing for me but still super low (they are supposed to be at least at 140...).  I know that the cancer is still in there...I'd be stupid if I didn't acknowledge that.  But, worrying about it isn't going to help and isn't going to stop the cancer.  So, right now, I'm focusing on my bone marrow recovery.

More in a bit - I've got another lab draw today, and I'll let you know how things play out.  Meantime....have a fabulous day!


helen said...
Good to hear from you again! I'm one of those anonymous followers who love your spirit, love to follow, and I'm so grateful for your blog and your honesty and sharing. So glad you are back home with your family. Take care.
November 14, 2013 at 9:49 AM
Blogger KA said...
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers, today and everyday! XOXO
November 14, 2013 at 11:45 AM
Blogger Penelope said...
So glad to hear from you!
November 14, 2013 at 3:32 PM
Blogger Joan Bardee said...
I am so glad to hear from you but sorry that you were so sick. Major hugs.
November 14, 2013 at 6:48 PM
Blogger Page Turnings said...
Another anonymous follower here who is glad to hear from you! I am hoping your numbers start to move up quickly and you get some more energy back & less pain. Xoxoxo
November 18, 2013 at 8:34 AM
Blogger Victoria Hope said...
Michelle, I am sorry to hear about your recent hospitalization but very glad to know you are back home and recovering once again. Your indomitable spirit is inspiring. I'm only five months from NED myself and have been reading your journey for the last year. We don't know one another, and I'm certain that I am only one of so many internet strangers that feel like they know you and share in your struggles and accomplishments. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.
November 27, 2013 at 2:31 PM
Blogger Penelope said...
Happy Thanksgiving Michelle to you and your family!
November 28, 2013 at 8:39 AM
Blogger MelB said...

Hey Michelle, Hope you're recovering well. Miss hearing from you but understand you're probably just trying to get well for your family. xx
December 1, 2013 at 1:11 AM