Thursday, June 12, 2014

JUNE 12, 2014

Well, I am back.  I don't know how often I'll be blogging, as I don't really feel like there's much going on.  I suppose that's a good thing.

I'll start with now - I am feeling pretty good.  For the most part, I am just living life.  My back pain has kicked up again, and has been pretty bad.  I went in last week to meet with the pain dr, and we increased my meds, but it looks like I am going to have to switch to something different...I think my body has just built up a resistance to this particular drug.  I have an appt on June 23 to see the pain dr I do like (the other one and I don't exactly get along, hence the wait), so I'm very much looking forward to that.

I have been on my bi-weekly schedule of Erbitux, and everything seems to be going well.  My CEA was pretty stable at around 9 for a few weeks, but this past week, it jumped up to 13.4.  My dr seems to feel that that may have been due to the fact that two weeks prior, I had pneumonia, so we are staying the course for now, and if the number remains the same or goes back down, we'll continue as we are.  If the number goes back up again next Tuesday when labs are drawn, I will go back on Xeloda, which I am perfectly fine with.  I tolerate both very well, so I don't see any issues with that.

I had a bladder biopsy yesterday, to check for the source of some trace amounts of blood in my urine.  When they were running tests trying to diagnose the pneumonia, the found the blood, and all around, everyone just wants to be safe.  So, I spent yesterday in a very sleepy manner....the test itself was quick, and I was asleep, which helped.  I can't imagine doing that while being awake.  Today, I feel perfectly fine.  I should hear back from them early next week regarding the few biopsies they took.  I don't have any concerns - the dr was very reassuring that everything looked fine and that there was nothing to worry about.  Could be that that's what Dr. K told him to say, but for now, I'll take it.  :)

I'm trying to think back on what's happened since I last posted.  The family and I took a vacation to CA, but time is short right now, so I won't expound on that except to say that it was, hands down, the most amazing family vacation.   I could not have scripted a better time for us.  I promise I will post pictures soon.

As I said, time is short - Levi's on his way home and we have to head out to run some errands, but I will update more shortly.  Meantime, know that I appreciate your continued support, and I adore you all.  :)


Joan B said...
Glad to hear from you. You are still going through a lot but I am so happy to read about the vacay! So well deserved.
June 12, 2014 at 4:26 PM
Blogger Green Monkey said...
you sound like you are doing really well and this gives me hope!
June 13, 2014 at 8:16 PM
Blogger Denise Jordan said...

SO very happy that you are continuing to do well!
June 16, 2014 at 9:13 PM