Thursday, January 12, 2012

JANUARY 12, 2012

Last night, I had the most pain I've had in a really long time.  My surgery was supposed to alleviate my back pain, which it did for a while.  The last couple of nights, though, have been almost unbearable.  I'm good during the day, and the pain is manageable.  But, when I lay down to go to sleep?  Well, last night I actually had to get back up out of bed....if I had had something safe to punch, I would have.  My back hurt SO BADLY!

The pain is usually located in my lower back, which is where the pain was prior to surgery.  Now, though, it seems to have spread to both sides, rather than being isolated to the right side. Levi seems to feel it might be kidneys, but I'm pretty sure those are higher up - the pain I'm having is really low (like, at the top of my butt).

Ibuprofen seems to give me temporary relief, but nothing has taken the pain away completely.  My heating pad has been my constant companion, and serves another purpose - since I'm always cold, it helps me stay warm.  Score!

So, at this point, I'm trying a variety of things, with the hopes that I'll touch on something that will miraculously make my back feel better.  I've got my ibuprofen, which I'm going to start taking regularly again.  Maybe if I can get ahead of the pain, I can control it better.  I have a pain patch (non-medicinal) that I've got on today.  My corn-filled heating pad is in the microwave, and will be sitting against my back all day.  I have some Pain-A-Trate (like Ben-Gay, but better...) that will be going on later.  The big thing?  I'm going to be getting back to being more active.  I'm hoping that by getting up and not sitting all day long, hunched over my laptop, my body will start to get acclimated to the activity.

My questions are many - why is this happening?  What's causing it?  Why so suddenly?  Why is it so painful? I did a little Dr. Google research last night - appears that I'm not the only person going through this after having a Da Vinci hysterectomy.  Appears that there are several ladies that have had/are having similar severe back pain issues.  Most of them that have found a dr that listens to them and doesn't think they're nuts report a return of adhesions/scar tissue.  *sigh*  I'll be so pissed if that's the case.

I have a friend who's a naturopathic oncologist, and she has some ideas on things that might help.  Right now, I don't want to go to the dr, b/c I feel like they are going to push meds on me or doubt my story.  This pain is real - the tears in my eyes and the stress on my body is overwhelming at times.  When the ibuprofen finally kicks in, I can literally feel the release in my body - it relaxes, and I'm suddenly exhausted.

Any ideas on others who have gone through the same thing?  My gynecologist told me that I should be back to normal  by now, and I think he doesn't quite understands that these surgeries don't always go by the book - oftentimes, as I'm seeing, there are so many other factors that will change how a person's body reacts to surgery.

Off I go, to try to keep active.  Will keep you all updated.

This doesn't sound good, Michelle. I can't remember. Did the surgeon remove the ovaries, too? I hope you find relief soon!
January 27, 2012 at 3:53 PM

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

JANUARY 3, 2012

Happy New Year, my friends!  2011 was quite a year - while I'm glad for all that I went through, I'm also glad it's behind us, and hopeful that 2012 will be even better.

Our Christmas season was busy, as usual, but wonderful.  We surprised the kids with a quick trip to Disneyland (thanks to the generosity of some friends) and Hollywood, where we caught up with a friend.  It was a whirlwind trip, but definitely fun. 
Christmas morning, before presents.   

 Kevin, with his new R/C car.....big fun!

Jules with her new puppy, Snowball, aka Cookie.

Post-Disney surprise - we had a treasure hunt that led them to the final "treasure" - Mickey ears!

At Disney - loving life.  Was a little chilly, but we managed.

On The Jungle Cruise - first ride at Disneyland!

I will try to fix this and turn it, but I wanted to show y' Splash Mountain!

Meeting up with Woody and Jessie!

At the Fire Department in Toon Town USA! 

Again, sorry this is sideways - I promised the kids ice cream, and Kevin got a Mickey Mouse sandwich, while...

...Jules got a Mickey Mouse ice cream bar!

Posing in Hollywood!

We also headed to Newport Beach in California the night we arrived - Levi refused to take his boots off and join us, so this is the kids and I enjoying the ocean for the first time.

The kids, with Balboa Pier at Newport Beach behind them.  This is after Julia's *first* tumble into the ocean, and before Kevin's pants were completely soaked.  

I love both of these pictures....

Overall, this was a pretty cool way to celebrate the holidays this season, as well as Levi's and my 10th wedding anniversary!