Friday, February 14, 2014

FEBRUARY 14, 2014

Happy Love Day, my peeps!  I won't make this long, as I want to spend as much time with the kids as I can.  They are off today, and we are going to spend the day together, hanging out.

I thought I would update you on my drs appt from last week, since I forgot to post earlier this week.  Basically, all is well.  My platelets are still in the upper 60s, which didn't make anyone happy, but it is what it is.  Nothing we can do about it.   The thought is that between the radiation last year, the reaction to the Temodar, and everything else I went through, my bone marrow just isn't as robust as it once was, meaning it isn't going to react in the same way and isn't going to come back as quickly.  The bad news with this is that, if I wanted to go into a clinical trial, my platelets need to be above 100, and I don't know if that is ever going to happen.  *sigh*

Anyways, we decided to move ahead with the Xeloda/Erbitux regiment, and I complete my one week of Xeloda today.  I have had no reaction or side effects from it - matter of fact, I went into the urgent care clinic at CTCA this week because of this wicked head/chest cold I came down with, and my platelets are stable, but my whites are low (damn it).  So, we'll see what the next few weeks bring.

Other than this cold, I'm feeling fine.  I am on antibiotics now, and starting to recover slowly.  We've all had it (poor Levi has it now), so it's making it's way through the family.  That time of the year and all, you know.

What else?  I think that's it.  Not too much else going on around here.  I am starting to make the initial inquiries about my potential return to work - I am so nervous about going back, but it needs to happen.  I just hope a) I can handle the 40 hour work week, and b) people accept me back at work, rather than constantly wondering when I am going to go back out.  I just want to get some semblence of normalcy back....I hope this is the right way to do it.

On that note, I am going to log off.  I hope you all have a wonderful day.  I'm thinking Valentine's Day around here is going to be postponed - being sick doesn't really lend itself to having a romantic day.  Oh - Levi and I are going to see Rodney next week....maybe I'll just consider that our date night!  :)


Joan Bardee said...
have a great Valentine's day!
February 14, 2014 at 1:15 PM
Blogger awarebear said...
I'm two treatments into a six or more week Erbitux regimen and can echo your sentiments wholeheartedly. Had treat ment 2 yesterday and today after radiation came home with my hair, scalp, brain on fire!

What took it to a manageable 7-8 out of 10 pain from 11 or higher was two 800 motrins. first 1.5 800's then follow up with another 400mg. All the docs assure me that rash is good and lots of rash is berry berry good! Arrrggghhhh! Using Eucerin Aquaphor for skin moisture. Thanks again for the post, really added to my understanding.
February 14, 2014 at 10:59 PM
Blogger awarebear said...

Follow up comment that may help users/victims of erbitux.
This past weekend I had a strong bad reaction to my second erbitux infusion. Infusion on Thursday afternoon, increasing uncomfortable rash, ring of fire that got to the point on monday that I was literally so feverish that I was heating up frozen dish towels in 5 minutes on my head. Towels fresh out of freezer and stiff were warm/hot to the touch after 5 min on my head. Got ahold of chemo doc and he called in a medrol dose pack. Prednisone. ^ tabs day one 5 day two etc. Worked like a charm and was actually able to get good night sleep for the first time in a few days. Just FYI if you need the help.
February 19, 2014 at 11:22 PM

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