Thursday, July 15, 2010

JULY 15, 2010

Update on Levi's job - there isn't one.  Yet.  Hoping to hear something this week.  It's been a long couple of weeks, and the physical stress this is putting on us (nevermind the emotional and financial stress) is starting to take its toll.  I'm not impressed.

Kids come back next week - I can't wait.  I took Friday off to spend with them - I miss them something awful, though it's been wonderful to have the alone time with Levi.  Made us realize we need to make time for 2-person vacations more often.

I have to run to my doctor's office shortly - I need to have them sign some medical release forms.  I'm signing up for the Cancer to 5k training program again this year, and I'll be running in the Undy 5000 in October.  I'm also working on getting a travel scholarship for a LiveSTRONG retreat for young adult cancer survivors in Austin in August - hoping I can make it all work out.  Need to coordinate getting the tickets paid for (they don't reimburse you until you get to the retreat), and work on making sure I have care for the kids (as I'm optimistically hoping Levi will be working by then).  *sigh* 

Michelle, I think I missed something. Did you post the results of your PET scan? I didn't see it but wanted to find out how it went. I think of you and pray for you every day. I think I'll start praying for Levi's job now in addition to continued prayers for your health.
July 15, 2010 at 2:03 PM

Friday, July 9, 2010

JULY 9, 2010

Path reports came back benign for polyps in the colon.  Can't get the information on what type they are, so I'm working to get a hard copy of the report to try to determine whether I need to be concerned.  I am going to assume they were adenomatous.

When I had my scope 2 weeks ago, the doctor told me I could wait three years before coming back.  When I spoke to the medical assistant (who wasn't very helpful, and seemed in a rush to get off the phone...), she said that Dr. M wants me to come back in a year.  Hmmmmm....

Needless to say, I'm going to be getting a copy of all reports and trying to interpret them myself.

Either way, they are out and can't turn into cancer.  Success - and THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is the power of preventative screening!


Whidbey Woman said...

Rejoicing with you!
July 9, 2010 at 3:39 PM

Thursday, July 8, 2010

JULY 8, 2010

Just took the message from the oncologists office.  PET scan came out clear.  I made it to two years post diagnosis.
As a celebration, I'm going to work out, then have some ice cream.  Yes, it is counterproductive.  I don't care.  ;)
Now, we push towards that elusive five year mark.  


jnwhiteh said...
Yay! Yay! yay!
July 9, 2010 at 2:22 AM
Blogger Amie said...
Woohoo!!! Great news :) deserve to celebrate!
July 9, 2010 at 9:29 AM
Blogger PapaDragon said...

When Ice Cream is used in a celebration of FANTASTIC news, there are no calories!
September 12, 2010 at 9:09 PM

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

JULY 7, 2010

This past week has been another doozy.  Because, you know, a stable life is a boring life.  Or, something like that.  At least that's what I keep telling myself, in the hopes of convincing myself that this semblance of stability is really unnecessary.  And unwanted.  

Levi lost his job last week.  Again.  Not of his own doing - the short story is that the company abruptly closed its doors due to a partner that died (ironically, from cancer).  He financially screwed over the remaining partner, who was forced to close the company down and declare bankruptcy, with about 2 business days notice for the employees.  Thus, last Thursday was Levi's last day with this company, and he is currently unemployed.  There are some things in the works, and while I'm trying to have faith, it's difficult.  I'm trusting that things will work out the way they are supposed to, and that this will all be but a memory in a few short days/weeks.  

Last week's really crappy news culminated with receiving Levi's final paychecks, which were shorted by about $400 (times three weekly paychecks).  Not good.  The situation has been resolved, but we didn't have confirmation of this until yesterday, so you can imagine that things over the weekend were a bit stressful.  

Add to all of this the fact that I'm in the midst of a good amount of change at work, as my manager is relocating to China, and you can imagine where that leaves me.  I don't know who her replacement will be, nor do I know what's to happen with my position if that person isn't local.  I'm feeling some pressure regarding the uncertainty of that, which is always fun.  I think it will all work out, but I have to wait until the big boss gets back to hear news.  Blergh.

I don't like waiting.  

At this point, I'm muddling through each day, desperately missing my kids, glad they aren't here for this mess, and trying to figure out what's going to happen next.  My 6-month oncologist appointment is next week, and I'm thinking (hoping) the news will be good.  Pathology results from my colonoscopy aren't in yet, as far as I know.  I have the CD from my PET scan, but I haven't looked at it yet.  It takes forever to load onto my computer, and I'm actually nervous to look at it and read something that I might misinterpret.  So, next Monday, I'll hopefully have the news that I passed the 2-year mark, which is statistically the time frame in which a recurrence will happen, if it's going to.  Given the journey over the past two years, and my tendency to be on the short end of the stats (i.e., I tend to be in that 10% or less grouping of people with side effects, etc.), I won't be totally comfortable with my "remission" until I'm 5 years out.  Will that be the magic number?  Who knows.  For now, today is all that matters.  

Today is all that matters.  Yeah - I like that.  So, I'll live for today, (try to) not worry about tomorrow or yesterday, and enjoy what I've got.  New motto?  Maybe.  

On the upside, Levi and I saw four new movies this weekend - one in the theatre (thanks to movie passes).  The A-Team was great - don't go into it expecting to see the same thing you see in the series.  It's a great story line based loosely on the series, and is full of laughs.  I will say that it had almost too much action, which is the one complaint I've heard from others.  Having said that, the casting was wonderful (slight crush forming on Bradley Cooper - that smile is too cute!) and the movie was well worth the time spent.  Two thumbs up.  

The other three rentals we saw - Avatar (great special effects, old plot - in my opinion, a waste of time), Hancock (good plot, cool effects, awesome ending), and Couples Retreat (cute movie - not fabulous, but a good time waster - perfect rainy, Saturday afternoon TBS movie, if you know what I mean).  I'm sure I've rattled the Avatar-ians, but there you go.