Thursday, July 15, 2010

JULY 15, 2010

Update on Levi's job - there isn't one.  Yet.  Hoping to hear something this week.  It's been a long couple of weeks, and the physical stress this is putting on us (nevermind the emotional and financial stress) is starting to take its toll.  I'm not impressed.

Kids come back next week - I can't wait.  I took Friday off to spend with them - I miss them something awful, though it's been wonderful to have the alone time with Levi.  Made us realize we need to make time for 2-person vacations more often.

I have to run to my doctor's office shortly - I need to have them sign some medical release forms.  I'm signing up for the Cancer to 5k training program again this year, and I'll be running in the Undy 5000 in October.  I'm also working on getting a travel scholarship for a LiveSTRONG retreat for young adult cancer survivors in Austin in August - hoping I can make it all work out.  Need to coordinate getting the tickets paid for (they don't reimburse you until you get to the retreat), and work on making sure I have care for the kids (as I'm optimistically hoping Levi will be working by then).  *sigh* 

Michelle, I think I missed something. Did you post the results of your PET scan? I didn't see it but wanted to find out how it went. I think of you and pray for you every day. I think I'll start praying for Levi's job now in addition to continued prayers for your health.
July 15, 2010 at 2:03 PM

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