Tuesday, August 17, 2010

AUGUST 17, 2010

So, I suck at updating this blog, apparently.  I am sorry.  I will try to make this better from here on out.


I don't think I have much to update.  Well, that's not right.  The kids are home (!!!).  It was SO good to have them back home, though a bit of a change.  Their laughter and noise and mess makes the house seem like home, which is really all I want for all of us.  It's been a wonderful time having them back - they were so happy to be home.

Both Julia and Kevin started school last week.  Julia started third grade, and is in a new school.  We still have some concerns about her schooling, but we are hoping that this new school will help us get her to where she needs to be.  It's tough having to fight every year for your kid, but I wouldn't NOT do it - I need to make sure that she gets what she needs, and if being a pain in a teacher's butt is the only way to get it done, then so be it.


Kevin is happily starting another year in preschool.  He has made SO MUCH progress that it's unreal.  He loves his teacher and his bus driver/aide (they are much better than last year's folks).  Hopefully this is maintained all year long.

Aren't they getting BIG?!?!  It blows my mind when I look at these pictures.  Where did these kids come from, and where did my babies go?  (Honestly, my babies are still here - I love them at this age - they are old enough to do some things on their own, but still call me Mommy and need me.  It's perfect....)

Did I tell you that I got the results from my colonoscopy back?  The reason they pulled my retest date back in (from 3 years to 1 year) is that the polyps they found were adenomas, meaning that they were the potentially pre-cancerous type.  Blech.  Bastard cancer.  BRING IT! 

I haven't yet had my follow up with my onco - that's next week.  They've rescheduled my appointment three times now, and I finally told them that if they pushed it one more time, I was going to take my cancer business elsewhere.  Miraculously, they were able to fit me in.  Imagine that.

What else?  OH!  I leave on Thursday to head to Austin, TX, for a LiveSTRONG young adult cancer survivor retreat.  I am SO SO SO excited.  My best friend Sharon lives in Austin, so I'm flying in on Thursday afternoon to spend the night with her and her family.  We'll spend most of Friday together, but then she's going to drop me off at the LiveSTRONG headquarters for a tour.  There are about 25 other ppl attending the retreat, and about 6 or 7 of us attending the tour.  Maybe we'll run into Lance....hardly likely, but a girl can hope.  :-)  I have already been in contact with some of the folks attending, and I cannot wait to meet them in person.  It's going to be an amazing weekend.

Beyond that, Undy 5000 planning is well underway.  We have an amazing line-up of things happening, including appearances by local celebrities, local sports mascots (Phoenix Suns gorilla, etc.), bounce houses, face painting, etc.  It's going to be a wonderful event, and while it's a ton of work, if we help ONE person, then it's all worth it.  Have you signed up yet? 

What else?  Levi's job is going, well, he's working (not getting paid, but he's working).  We'll know more about specifics (like getting paid) next month.  There is a game plan, but I'll elaborate more once it's all in place.  I've become very superstitious lately, and I don't want to jinx anything.

It's hard to imagine that we are coming up on the anniversary of 
Kim's death next week.  So much has happened since she's been gone, but her legacy lives on in ways that I don't think she could have ever imagined.  I miss her terribly, and I've been thinking about her a lot (there have been dragonflies all over the place).  I try to remember what she taught me, what she made me realize, and how I can make myself a better person for having known her.  *sigh*  I hate effing cancer.  I want to celebrate more remissions and no more deaths, but I have to be honest with myself and remember that I've chosen this path - I'm going to lose some friends.  I need to let this fuel my passion and fire.  It still sucks.

One last picture - as you know, the Tour de France was last month.  Lance Armstrong didn't win, but he made a hell of an impact on the last day by (well, he and his entire team) wearing a non-sanctioned jersey with the number 28, honoring the 28 million cancer survivors worldwide. Very awesome.

Along the route of the TdF, Nike sponsored  the chalkbot, which chalked messages of inspiration along the race route.  Facebook had a page where you could submit a message for consideration.  I submitted mine, and it was chalked along the very route that Lance and team road, inspiring millions of us.  How COOL is this?  I was so proud - it's a very little thing, and surely no one in France paid attention to it.  I imagine that it didn't mean much to anyone else besides me.  But, here you go.  

This is my Summer de Lance, apparently. LiveSTRONG event, Ulman/LiveSTRONG Cancer-to-5k Training (which is going swimmingly, by the way), and this. Viva la Lance!  And, Viva la Michelle!


michelle-did any of your doctors ever teach you how to fight cancer with food? no chemo, rad, or other drugs are needed. please consider contacting me. i teach my patients how to prevent/reverse cancer and other chronic diseases and think i can be of benefit to you and your family. 775 223 8260 dr.gbh
August 20, 2010 at 8:07 PM

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