Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MARCH 30, 2011

I had someone ask me how things are, and mention that they hadn't read the blog in a while; they were going to head back on over here to catch up. . Hard to catch up if I don't post anything.  And, thus, this post was born.

Things have been busy.  Very busy.  My brother, sister-in-law and niece came to AZ earlier this month, and I was able to spend some time with them and just enjoy the time they had here.  The kids all got along really well - Bella is 20 months old, and both of our kids took such good care of her,  It was so nice to see, and the house seems quiet without them here, though I'm not sure my parents would agree!  :)

Speaking of my parents, they are moving into their new house this weekend.  They decided to get a bigger place with a pool, and found one that met their needs.  It's a gorgeous house, and they seem really happy there.  Dad is doing well, and is anxiously anticipating his upcoming scans.  I am probably the one person that can totally understand what he's feeling, at least in our family.  It's terrifying, but you deal with it.

I'm doing well.  I quit Lowe's earlier this month - it was killing me, working 7 days a week.  It was hard on my body physically, and it was difficult at best mentally and emotionally.  So, after some thought and much discussion with Levi, I quit and am now pursuing another idea.  It's something I'm very excited about - if you want to hear more about it (I don't want to cross personal and professional here), comment here and I'll get back with you.

Other than that, we are in the planning stages for Julia's upcoming 9th (gulp) birthday.  Her party will be very low-key this year.  I've promised her something big for next year.  We'll be doing a bigger celebration for Kevin this year.  I'm planning for it to be a joint party - a celebration of my little man's 5th birthday, my mom's birthday, and my 3-year cancer-versary.  I think it will be fun - we'll see what happens.

Financial difficulties continue to plague, but we are working that.  This new opportunity should help significantly, so hope is back.  It's so nice to have time with my family back, and time for me to get back to center personally.

I hope all is well with you out there.  I'll try to be more diligent....

Friday, March 11, 2011

MARCH 11, 2011

Sending out love and as many good thoughts as I possibly can to the people in Japan.  The pictures from this event are horrifying.  To my friends in Hawaii and on the West Coast, please stay safe and let us know you're okay.


Theresa said...
Hi Michelle:
I found your blog thru i2y and I was dx at 34 with stage III rectal cancer - no family history, I've been a vegetarian for the past 25 years - I don't smoke and rarely drink...
I have only read through the first month of your blogs but I just wanted to let you know that I thnk you for putting your cancer to words. I, too, have a blog and it is an amazing thing to be able to get all thoughts, feelings and emotions out.
I am so happy to hear you are cancer free and thank you for sharing. Theresa
March 25, 2011 at 8:37 PM

Sorry for the lives lost and families broken.And they will all be forgotten when they are not making headlines.Sad and with them mentally.There are epidemics spread and financial loss.We all need to support them as we can.breast reconstruction surgery Los Angeles
March 31, 2011 at 9:21 PM

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

MARCH 8, 2011

Occasionally, there are things that happen in life that make you step back and think about where you are in life, that makes you look at your priorities and think about what's TRULY important in your life.  Last week, one of those things happened to one of my fabulous friends, Natalie. (Randi - I shamelessly stole your pictures....)  Watching her go through this has made me re-evaluate my own life. 

Natty is someone I met when I was getting to know Kim.  Natty was this gorgeous, kind, friendly person that was wholly dedicated to Kim and her well-being.  She spent so much time with Kim, helping her in ways that only girlfriends can (feeding her, bathing her, shaving her legs, etc.).  Natty took me in as a friend, and while we don't talk as often as I'd like, she's someone I love like a sister.  After Kim passed, Natty helped Kim's widow Deron through the aftermath, and in the subsequent months, Natty and Deron fell in love.  It's been an amazing affirmation of life after cancer and that good things can and do come out of horrible circumstances.

Late last year, I got a text that Natty was pregnant with her first child, and we celebrated this beautiful creation.  I saw her the day after Thanksgiving, and she was absolutely glowing.  I couldn't have been happier for her and her new family.

Natty went in about two weeks ago for her 17 week ultrasound to find out whether she was having a boy or a girl.  Instead, Natty got horrible news, and last week, she gave birth to her angel baby, Natalia Rae. 

Life is very unfair.  No one should have to go through what Deron and Natty are going through.  I worry about them, and though I know they will make it through this, I wish there was something I could do.  It's made me look at my own life and cherish my children.

When I was actively battling cancer, I promised myself that I would never forget to stay grounded, that I would always remember to take the time to spend with my family and friends, and that I would make myself and my loved ones priority.  That's been going by the wayside recently, which I think tends to happen as we move further from a traumatic experience.  I think life gets back at us, and we tend to focus on the small things rather than the overall picture.  This helped me remember that the small things are just that - things that likely I don't need to worry about.  I'm heartbroken that the Miller family has to go through this, but I'm hopeful that this will remind all us to take the time to prioritize our lives, and hug the ones we love.

RIP, Baby were here for only a short time, but you're impact will be felt forever.  Keep watch over your Mommy and Daddy.....


Mrs. Buv said...
I "borrowed" my pics from Natty and you're perfectly fine to borrow them from me. :) xoxo
March 12, 2011 at 2:31 PM
Blogger Jill said...
I'll be keeping the Miller family in my prayers.
March 13, 2011 at 7:06 PM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...

I am so sorry to read about the loss of baby Natalia! I experienced early miscarriages and, while they were devastating to me, I'm sure it doesn't quite compare to the loss of a baby you could feel moving around or the loss of a child who has been born. I am glad to read that Devon and Natty met and married. I prayed for the entire family after Kim's passing.
March 30, 2011 at 3:11 PM