Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MARCH 30, 2011

I had someone ask me how things are, and mention that they hadn't read the blog in a while; they were going to head back on over here to catch up. . Hard to catch up if I don't post anything.  And, thus, this post was born.

Things have been busy.  Very busy.  My brother, sister-in-law and niece came to AZ earlier this month, and I was able to spend some time with them and just enjoy the time they had here.  The kids all got along really well - Bella is 20 months old, and both of our kids took such good care of her,  It was so nice to see, and the house seems quiet without them here, though I'm not sure my parents would agree!  :)

Speaking of my parents, they are moving into their new house this weekend.  They decided to get a bigger place with a pool, and found one that met their needs.  It's a gorgeous house, and they seem really happy there.  Dad is doing well, and is anxiously anticipating his upcoming scans.  I am probably the one person that can totally understand what he's feeling, at least in our family.  It's terrifying, but you deal with it.

I'm doing well.  I quit Lowe's earlier this month - it was killing me, working 7 days a week.  It was hard on my body physically, and it was difficult at best mentally and emotionally.  So, after some thought and much discussion with Levi, I quit and am now pursuing another idea.  It's something I'm very excited about - if you want to hear more about it (I don't want to cross personal and professional here), comment here and I'll get back with you.

Other than that, we are in the planning stages for Julia's upcoming 9th (gulp) birthday.  Her party will be very low-key this year.  I've promised her something big for next year.  We'll be doing a bigger celebration for Kevin this year.  I'm planning for it to be a joint party - a celebration of my little man's 5th birthday, my mom's birthday, and my 3-year cancer-versary.  I think it will be fun - we'll see what happens.

Financial difficulties continue to plague, but we are working that.  This new opportunity should help significantly, so hope is back.  It's so nice to have time with my family back, and time for me to get back to center personally.

I hope all is well with you out there.  I'll try to be more diligent....

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