Monday, December 31, 2012

DECEMBER 31, 2012

I usually face New Year's Eve with a sense of optimism and hope; it's such a great holiday....everyone gets together to remember the past year, celebrate a new year, and look forward at what they'd like to do in the future.

I'll admit that, this year, it's a little hard to be optimistic.  I want to be - I desperately want to be back where I was on Friday before this news came about.  I would give my right arm to be back there, back when I was still blissfully ignorant of what was in store for me.

It's harder this time, because I sort of know what's in store for me.  I've made a very conscious effort to NOT google ovarian cancer, especially the treatment options.  I can't - I'll work myself into more of a panic that I'm already in.  And, that just isn't a good thing right now.

I have looked at the symptoms, and had another "Well, duh!" moment.  Have I had those symptoms?  Yes.

Signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer may include:
·         Abdominal pressure, fullness, swelling or bloating
·         Pelvic discomfort or pain
·         Persistent indigestion, gas or nausea
·         Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation
·         Changes in bladder habits, including a frequent need to urinate
·         Loss of appetite or quickly feeling full
·         Increased abdominal girth or clothes fitting tighter around your waist
·         A persistent lack of energy
·         Low back pain
The problem is that a lot of these symptoms are also issues that I was having from the oral chemo, Xeloda.  There would not have really been a way for me to go, hey - I think that what I'm experiencing is something other than Xeloda side effects.  

However, now that I know what I know, things are starting to fall into place.  I've had tenderness in my lower left pelvis for a while now.  I would put money on the fact that this is where the mass is.  My lack of appetite?  Feeling fatter in my abdomen?  Exhaustion?  

Yeah.  *sigh*  

As I said, I haven't looked up treatment options, staging information, etc., for ovarian cancer.  I'll know more than I ever want to soon enough.  I'm trying to remain as calm, as ignorant as possible for as long as possible.  

Tonight, my mom and my friend Ilana are joining me at a New Year's Eve masquerade ball for Arizona Assistance in Healthcare, which is a non-profit organization that provides financial assistance for cancer patients in active treatment, to help them pay for non-medical expenses.  They have helped me through some dark, scary times over the past few months, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to speak to the donors and hopefully help convince them that this is a worth cause.  

On Friday, when I was still in a state of blissful ignorance and before my horrible news, I did a video shoot for this group, which is going to be shown at the ball tonight.  I'm glad, in hindsight, that we didn't go through my cancer journey/story during this shoot.  I wouldn't be able to make it through if we did, knowing what I know now.  

It should be an amazing event - it's a formal event, and I bought a beautiful, sparkly dress and some amazingly awesome shoes to go with it.  (Gotta love inexpensive stores and clearance racks....LOL!)  I'll definitely post pictures.  I'm looking forward to going and attending an event unlike anything I've ever been to's very formal and should be some seriously swanky fun.  I don't look forward to breaking the news to some of my friends that will be there, but there you go.  Perhaps some champagne will help ease the news.  :)

Okay - I'm off to start my day and try to get in the spirit.  I'm so freaking ready to kiss 2012 goodbye.  Yes, I've had some of the most amazing, fantastic things happen to me.  But, I've also had some of the worst moments in my life occur.  I'll be honest - I'd give all (most?  Maybe not Rodney...) of the good stuff back if I could also give back the bad stuff.  I wouldn't wish what I've been through on anyone.  Well, maybe some of the really bad people in the know what I mean.  

2012 can kiss my ass goodbye.  2013 - let's kick this thing into gear, and do this the right way. 

I've still got tons of stuff to do.  I don't need another cancer, and I sure as hell don't need another scar on my roadmap of a belly.  However, I'm willing to do what I have to do in order to get through so that I can live life again. and I have some plans.

  • I want to be able to go to DC in March for the Colorectal Call on Congress.  I have a story to tell - Congress needs to hear it.
  • I want to go back to the Colon Cancer Alliance's national conference.  
  • I want to take my children to Walt Disney World.  As much as that, I want to go back to WDW.  I miss it...desperately.  I need that hope and inspiration and optimism and fairy dust and Mickey magic.  
  • I want to see Rodney again in concert.  I need to see my Hope again.  Yes, they came to me hand in hand.  Rodney is, to me, a person I still very much look up to, and use as inspiration and hope.  Hope - she's just someone I adore, love, and am grateful beyond anything for.  She was placed in my life for a reason.  
  • I will go back to Vegas for NFR.  I will gawk at cowboys again, and this time, I will be much more open about it.  
  • I want to go back to Nashville, and I want to shut the place down.  I want to hear some rocking live country music, have a few beers, and dance with a cowboy.  
  • I want to kick ovarian cancer's ass, then I want it begging for mercy.  :)  
  • I want to show colon cancer that it messed with the wrong bitch, and that it should not even think about coming back.  Like, ever. 
Too much on my list?  Nope - that's just the beginning.  

Hey - I'm going through hell.  Again.  Like my Rodney says, "Just keep moving..."

Let's do this, people.  

I'm off to get gussied up - I may have cancer, but damn it, I'm going to look good doing it.  


Dana Birnberg said...
I know you will look beautiful! You always do!
December 31, 2012 at 11:33 AM
Blogger Dana Birnberg said...
I know you will look beautiful! You always do!
December 31, 2012 at 11:34 AM
Blogger Dana Birnberg said...
I know you will look beautiful! You always do!
December 31, 2012 at 11:34 AM
Blogger Dana Birnberg said...
I know you will look beautiful! You always do!
December 31, 2012 at 11:36 AM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...
You are such an inspiration not only to me but to lots of other people. I can't wait to see the photos from tonight! Goodbye 2012! Hello 2013 and may it be one frikkin fantastic year! God bless, sweetie!
December 31, 2012 at 9:11 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...

Love your attitude :) Hope you had a ridiculously good time.
January 2, 2013 at 9:40 PM

Saturday, December 29, 2012

DECEMBER 29, 2012

Well, folks, it looks like we are going to have to relaunch Mission: Remission.  I got some news yesterday that was wholly unexpected, very disconcerting, and unwelcome, to say the least.

As I posted, I had blood drawn for my routine 6-week check-up.  I was very much looking forward to celebrating another low CEA, and bidding 2012 goodbye.

Cancer had other plans.

My CEA was up to 3.1.  Shit.  I immediately went to the clinic, and asked to see a nurse, my doctor - anyone.  Within 30 minutes, my port was accessed.  Within 90 minutes, I was in the CT machine.

This, my friends, is one of the many blessings of being treated at CTCA.

I decided not to stick around, waiting for results and pacing the floor.  I didn't make it ten minutes from the hospital when I took a call from Dr. Granick.

They found a mass in my pelvis, 12 cm/4 inches.

Son of a bitch.

He and I talked, and based on the location, etc., he was thinking it was ovarian cancer.  The good news is that my lung tumors appears to still be stable, and my lymph nodes are still within normal range.

Silver lining, people.  Silver lining.

Dr. Granick ordered more blood work to test me for the CA 125 levels.  This is a marker for ovarian cancer.  Normal range is under 30.  Mine is at 80.3.

It looks like I'm going to have to change my title to 3 time cancer survivor.


At this point, the only thing that I really know is that I am going to have to have surgery to remove the mass.  I have a routine med-onc appointment on Wednesday to meet with Dr. Granick, and he has already scheduled me in with the gynecological oncologist, Dr. Farley, for Thursday morning first thing.  I'm assuming that I'll know more on Thursday, and have a better game plan.

I've called people (if I missed you, I apologize...) and most have asked how I'm doing.

Well, I'm pissed.  Royally, monumentally pissed.  I'm tired.  Mentally exhausted.  And, I'm ready for the fight.

But, I'm going to need your help.  Please....please send up prayers, good mojo, whatever you believe family and I are going to need it.  I don't know what 2013 is going to bring, but I'm still hopeful.

As soon as I know more, y'all will know.  Meantime, I'm going to do my best to live the hell out of this weekend.  I'm going to a formal masquerade ball on Monday night, and I'm determined to have a good time.  Wednesday and Thursday are going to come soon enough.

Let's do this....engage, my army!  Engage....


amyv said...
Praying for you. You seem to have a great, kick-ass attitude and I hope you are successful this time too!
December 29, 2012 at 12:38 PM
Blogger Thandi said...
12cm!? That's huge! So glad it hadn't started bothering you.Hope we can get rid of this new enemy asap and have you staying 'fit' throughout the war.
December 29, 2012 at 12:58 PM
Blogger test said...
Prayers and blessings to you.
December 29, 2012 at 1:17 PM
Blogger Tina said...
Michelle, you know you have my prayers. So sorry you have to go through more of this crap. If anyone can beat this, you can! Keep us posted!
Love and hugs,
December 29, 2012 at 5:07 PM
Blogger CJ Bersani said... are a strong woman and I know you can fight this. lots of love and prayers from back home <3
December 29, 2012 at 6:24 PM
Blogger Coni Jones said...
Love you Michelle...praying for you... you are an inspiration...keeping fighting...never give up!
December 29, 2012 at 7:34 PM
Blogger Natteringnic said...
Dammit...this post has left me speechless. I hate being speechless. I hate cancer even more. You continue to be an inspiration. I wish I had magical words to make this ridiculously unfair situation better. But I don't. Keep Hangin' Tough!
December 30, 2012 at 4:55 AM
Blogger Dana Birnberg said...
Michelle. I have been following your journey and have come to love, admire, and respect you.....I am a friend of Sharon's.
December 30, 2012 at 3:17 PM
Blogger Dana Birnberg said...
Sending positive energy your way.
December 30, 2012 at 3:18 PM
Blogger Karen Smith said...
Devastated for you but continue to be inspired by your attitude. Your kids are lucky to have a kick-ass mom who has silver lining moments ...
Fight the good fight and know there are many of us who have never even met you but are in awe of you and are rooting for your recovery!
December 30, 2012 at 4:42 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...

Oh my gosh. That's some bull crap! I'm sorry - that sucks SO BAD. I know that you're a fighter and you're going to give this everything you've got, but good Lord! I think you deserve a break. Sending prayers and happy thoughts your way. Stay strong and you'll get through this one too.
January 2, 2013 at 9:36 PM

Friday, December 28, 2012

DECEMBER 28, 2012

So, I'm sitting here at CTCA.  Just had blood work drawn for my 6-week check-up.  Hard to believe it's been another six weeks.  I'm finishing up with round four of Xeloda this weekend, which is almost harder to imagine. I'm tolerating it well, and really have no complaints about this chemo.  It's building in my body, to be sure, but's keeping the cancer at bay.  How can I complain about that?
Every once in a while, it hits me where I am and what I've gotten through.   As I approach my hands-down favorite holiday of the year, I reflect on 2012.
It's been a hell of a year.  I had absolutely no idea that I would be battling cancer for a second time.  I sure as hell didn't expect to be where I am right now.
And yet? It's ok.  It feels right.  While I hate hate HATE that I've had to go through this, I feel like it's my journey.  I'm more at peace with this now than I've ever been.
Don't get me wrong.  It still sucks.....a lot.  I hate that I've put my family and friends through this worry,  this fear.  I hate that my kids have had to see me go through this.  I hate that I've had to stop my life to go through this.
But, here I am.  I am alive.  Brilliantly, amazingly alive.
I have such an intense, physical need to live each day.  It's almost a compulsion.  Sitting isn't an option.  I did so much sitting this summer.  I want to be up, doing, seeing, the life that I fought for.
How?  Well, that's something I decide in the moment.  Today?  It's getting a massage at CTCA, then helping promote this amazing place by doing a video shoot for them.  Later, it's meeting a friend for dinner.  Who knows what else?
I see each day as a blessing, a gift.  Yes, it's cliche.  So?  For me?  It's truth.  Every single day is one that, back in March, I didn't think I would see.  Every day with my kids is full of possibilities, learning opportunities, amazing chances for everyday memories that will change who they become in life.
It's pretty cool, when you think about it.  How awesome is this world we live in?
Anyways, it's about time for my appointment.   Make the best of today!  I will!!!


I love how your whole attitude has blossomed! My my world is brighter just because I know you!
December 29, 2012 at 10:27 AM

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

DECEMBER 26, 2012

Okay - again, many apologies for the delay in these posts.  It's been a busy holiday, and I just haven't been in the mood to spend time on my laptop.  But, I'm making an effort, for you.

You're welcome.  :)

This is a picture that I found from Saturday, but that deserves to be shared.

This is the group of fabulous people we had dinner with on Saturday night.  Great, great group of people.  So glad that they allowed me/us to be included in their dinner!

Okay - Sunday.

When Gina and I woke up on Sunday, we figured out how we were going to get to the concert that night (thank you, inexpensive rental car companies), and then made plans for the day.  After some debate, we decided to head back to the convention center and Cowboy Christmas.

Best. Decision.

We ran into more adorable cowboys...
I don't remember their names, but they were super nice!  

We took an obligatory duck-face photo.  

This little guy....he was on the mechanical bull, and was a rodeo clown.  He was kind of bummed until they started the bull and taking pictures - once that happened, he was all smiles and giggles.  We stood there watching him and snapping pictures for a bit - he was hysterical!  

In conversations with Hope Saturday night, we knew that she was going to be busy all day Sunday.  Rodney had a bunch of appearances off-site (at different arenas), and she wasn't going to have time to socialize, which was a bummer.  We knew we'd see her that night and on Monday, so it wasn't a big deal.  

As we walked through the convention center and into areas we hadn't hit the day before, we saw a roping demonstration, a big rig being auctioned off for breast cancer awareness (I checked the organization, and it was one I support/promote, so it just endeared the NFR to me that much more), and lots of shopping.  We headed over to grab a drink, and I came across a sign.  I looked at it, double-checked, then asked Gina to take a look.

Rodney was there.  In about an hour.

My first thought was - he's going to think I'm a stalker.  Good Lord, he's going to put out a restraining order on me.

But, just before Rodney came out?  Charlie Daniels.  Charlie.  Freaking.  Daniels.  

Um, for that?  Yeah - I totally stood in line.  I played violin for 12 years, and Charlie was always like a god to me.  To be able to see him, meet him?  

I adore Rodney, and I know how amazing it is that I've been able to meet Rodney, but it's Charlie Daniels!!!!  Holy crap!!!

Well, as fate would have it, the line to see/meet Charlie ended up being cut off at the person in front of me.  *sigh*  So, I decided that I'd stay in line and wait until I had a clear line of sight, grab a picture, and that would be good enough.

As we were moving through the line, we started chatting with the ladies behind us.  They were super nice, and two of them ended up being cancer survivors.  As we got to know them, one of them asked if I really wanted to meet Charlie.  I said yes, but I was perfectly happy to get the opportunity to just snap a quick photo of him.  

She told me that wasn't good enough, and she'd take care of it.  Come to find out, she was friends with Charlie (because, really - who isn't? LOL!), and told him that I was a 2-time survivor that wanted to meet him.  "Well, bring her on up!" was his reaction.


The next few moments are still a blur....I had the chance to meet Charlie Daniels.  He is a legend, and just the sweetest man!  I am still star-struck.  Again, I love Rodney, and he's a star, so there's no offense meant to him, but it was Charlie Daniels!!!!  

He was as nice as could be.  He took compliments with a humble gratitude, and wished me well on my journey.  Said he'd say a prayer for me.  Yup - I was (am) a happy girl.  

In all honesty, we have no idea who this lady is that photo-bombed us.  It just makes the picture that much better, in my opinion.  Well played, lady.  Well played.

After that, I was going to head out.  It's not that I didn't want to see Rodney, and it's not that I didn't want to see Hope or anyone else.  But, I also didn't want to have him (them) think I was loony, or stalking him....but, there was some insistent persuasion taking place, so I stood in line to see him.  

Such a hard life I live.  

Throughout this whole trip, I kept getting signs that I was where I was supposed to be.  It was odd, but really, really cool.  The first one that hit me over the head (that I noticed, anyways) was while I was waiting in line for Rodney.  I started chatting with the gentleman in front of me in line.  He was a vendor, and asked where I was from.  When I said "We flew in from Phoenix", he said "Oh, I have a friend there."  

Now, in a city the size of Phoenix, Arizona (where there are something like 4 million people in the entire metro area), what are the chances of him and I knowing the same person?  Turns out, pretty good.  As in, the guy he knows is someone I've worked with on CCA events, and someone who lives about a mile and a half from me.  

Are you kidding me?  Needless to say, we texted this person and let him know.  So funny!  

After a bit longer, Rodney came out.  He saw us when he walked out and gave a little grin.  When we got up to see him, the first thing I said was "I swear, I didn't know you were going to be here today."  Come to find out, they didn't know either.  The gig had been moved last minute.   


It was fun to see him again, although I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy.  We snapped a quick photo, I found out what cologne he was wearing the night before (because yes, I had to ask...), and off we went.  

My phone's version of this photo.

Gina's Instagram photo - much better.  :)

That half-grin?  Yeah.  Makes me smile every time.  I can't imagine he was "happy" about his crazy, hectic schedule, but in typical Rodney fashion, he made each and every person there feel welcome and at home, as if they were all his friends.  

Doug and I met here in Phoenix, then again on Saturday night (when he remembered who I was from the Phoenix show), and I saw him again on Sunday.  I *think* he's Rodney's tour manager.  I *know* he's a sweetheart who takes good care of Hope and Rodney.  That's enough for me.  

Best part of the day?  Seeing my Hope.  
(Okay - maybe second best part....Charlie may have been first.  Sorry, girl!)

While seeing Rodney is always fun, getting to meet some of the people that he works with is, to me, even more interesting.  On Sunday, at this m&g, I met one of the ladies from Massey-Ferguson/Hesston (they are the folks that brought Rodney to Vegas for the NFR).  

I don't remember her name, or her position with M-F/H, but I'll never forget the conversation.  We chatted for a while (most of his m&g), and I thanked her (on behalf of the fans) for bringing him to Vegas, and for making him available to us.  I told her a little bit about why it meant so much to me, and she shared some personal stories about her life journey.  By the end of the conversation, we were both in tears, and hugged before she, Rodney and their team headed off to the next gig.  

Connecting with people like that, and being able to thank her for giving me the chance to thank him, is really what I love about trips/events like this.  Yes, it's an honor to be able to meet him.  And it's truly, honestly my dream to have been able to thank him for his music.  But, connecting with people that work with him and letting them know that what they do has a positive impact is just amazing.  

Stupid shadow.  :)  We were heading out, and needed more pictures.

We went back to the hotel, got ready for the concert, and picked up the rental car.  The concert that night was held at Red Rock Casino, which is about 10-15 minutes from the strip.  It was more of a locals concert - it was called "Toys for Tickets" and was put on by the local CBS country music radio station, 95.5 KWNR.  The premise was that locals could drop an unwrapped toy off at a local nursery/greenhouse, and in exchange, you got a ticket to this concert.  Pretty cool!  Hope had worked with a friend to get us the tickets, which was awesome.  Thanks, Lisa!  (I think it was Lisa - if not, thanks to whomever got us the tickets!)

We got to the event just before they opened the line up for general admission, and we got right in, one person from the stage.  Cool!  We would be up-close and personal.  Again.  Sweet.

I'll spare you the details of the 600 (yes, 600) printed photos I looked at while waiting there.  A gentleman in front of me was very insistent that I look through them.  He has met a lot of people, let's just say that.  :)

While I was pretending to be interested in perusing the photos, I heard a conversation behind me.  Come to find out, the guy standing right behind us knows the radio DJ that I'm friends with here.  Such a small world....and yes, another sign.  

We had no idea who was at the concert.  After asking some questions, we found out that there were three acts.  The fourth, Jerrod Neimann, was unable to make it due to weather complications.  Gina was BUMMED!  The other acts were 
Kristy Lee Cook (from American Idol), Uncle Kracker, and Rodney.

I almost fainted.  I get to see Uncle Kracker and Rodney?  In the same concert.

I have gone to heaven.  I LOVE Uncle Kracker, and I've always wanted to see him in concert.  And, now I'm standing about 6 feet from him?

Oh.  Yes.

Kristy Lee came out on stage, and she was fabulous.  One of the local radio stations plays her song, Aiborne Ranger Infantry, and it's a sad, poignant song.  Just wonderful.  And, I'll tell you, she can sing the hell out of a song live.

I love seeing artists in concert, especially if they are truly talented.  I've been to concerts where I was wholly disappointed because the music wasn't what I expected.  Either their musicians/band weren't good, or they couldn't sing live (always heart-breaking), or they lack a rapport with the audience that makes their live show  boring and lifeless.

I am happy to report that none of the acts from Sunday's concert disappointed me.  At all.  Quite the contrary, to be honest.

Uncle Kracker came out on stage, and it was clear he had imbibed a few adult beverages.  That made the night fun!  He is a fabulous performer, and even in this acoustic setting, rocked the hell out of his songs.  He sang from his previous hits as well as some great songs from his new album, "Midnight Special," which I highly recommend if you're a country fan.  He was awesome, made great eye contact (with me....ha!), and just got everyone hyped up for Rodney.

I'll be honest.  I was fine, emotionally, all day, with the exception of the time I shared a few tears with the lady from Massey.  I didn't expect to be emotional at this concert.  I was very much looking forward to a good time, with some kick-ass music and a smile from Rodney.

Well, I'm a big dumbass who didn't take into account the fact that I was now seeing Rodney in concert for the third time in just over a month, that I had now accomplished something I never thought I would have happen.

Phil and Liam (Rodney's guitar players) came out on stage, and I started tearing up.  They both looked for Gina and me, and when they made eye-contact, I couldn't help but tear up.  They waved, smiled, let us know that they knew we were there.  I thought - ok.  Now, I'll be ok.

And, Rodney came out on stage.  Let the tears begin again.  I couldn't help it.  He found us, nodded, smiled, waved, blew a kiss.  *tears*  It was just so damn overwhelming.

Here I am, in Vegas.  In my version of remission.  At a concert that I didn't even know what taking place, brought there by the grace and generosity of others, waving to a man that I consider an inspiration, a hero, a vital piece of my fight....and he not only waved back.  He made sure I was ok.  He saw me crying, and made sure I was ok.

It. Was. Amazing.

When he was here in November, he had given me a guitar pick.  And, I (thought I) had lost it.  (Lo and behold, my girlfriend Lisa has it to make me a shadowbox....sneaky.)  Anyways, when I thought I lost it, I tweeted Rodney.  He said he'd get me another one.

So, second or third song in, he finishes playing, looks at his guitar pick, then looks at me.

Bring that bad boy over here, handsome.

Much to the chagrin of the folks around me, he walked over, grabbed my hand, kissed it, gave me the pick, and said "I love you."

*swoon*  Like,the  biggest swoon EVER!

The rest of the concert was a tear-lined blur.  I screamed.  I laughed.  I cried.  I smiled.  I cheered.  I wept some more.  The crying I was doing was cathartic, healing.  I still can't believe I was given the amazing chance to do what I've done.  It would hit me, as he would sing a song, that I was there.  It was like I was looking at what was happening from a distance, and in complete awe.

As he would sing certain lyrics, like "Giving this life everything we've got, and them some..." he'd look at me.

Does he, can he possibly, know what it means to me when he does that?  How much that inspires me?  And, what effect that has on me when I listen to the songs now, knowing that he gets me, in some small manner?

I don't know.  Who knows if I'll ever be able to tell him.  All I know is, he makes me a better fighter, a better person, a better survivor.  So, thanks.

Okay - back to the play-by-play.  At some point in the concert, the people who were directly in front of us got sick of Gina and I screaming and left, meaning we moved up to front row, center stage, just in front of Rodney.  (Shades of Daughtry, thank you very much...)

He got to the last song, and played the first couple of notes of "If You're Going through Hell."  At that moment, I lost it.  Completely.  And, he stopped, looked at me, and let me know it was going to be okay.  I composed myself, and we got back to business.

I adore this man.

As he sang, I sang and screamed and smiled as big as my face would allow.  I couldn't help it.  This was MY song, and I was hearing him perform it again.  ACK!

And, guess who got to sing with him again?  Oh yes.  He made sure that happened.

And, Hope, my Hope, was there and captured a few photos.  Thanks, my friend.  For everything!  I love you.

Below are some more pictures from this amazing concert.  No drooling allowed. 

Yes - we were thisclose.  


Photo care of Hope - I have no idea what he's singing, but I know that feeling.  I LOVE that feeling I get when he sings.  For me?  That's my therapy.  That's my hope.  That's my version of living.   

Another care of Hope.  Again, no idea what I'm singing, what he's singing.  Who cares?  I'm happy.  

Phil and Liam.  Two more guys who have my heart.  Adore them.  

Once Rodney was done performing, all three stars came back out on stage to sing a Christmas carol.

Yes.  Rodney and Uncle Kracker singing a Christmas carol, and I was there.  Happy happy joy joy.  Merry Christmas to me!

Except that, Kracker had had a few more drinks by this point, and was fairly inebriated.  This led to some very, very funny situations.  They had brought out the words to "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" so Kracker would know what to sing.


This man in a hat?  Fabulous.  In a backwards hat?  *sigh*  
I know - I have a problem.  So?  What of it?


Here - read this....

Oh - the conversation was....interesting.  

Rodney had me laughing for this entire song....his reaction to Kracker was hysterical!

After the concert, we headed out to the lobby and ran into Phil and Liam again. Hugs all around, some chatting, and confirmation that we would keep in touch.  The fact that these people have no vested interest in me at all, and yet, are interested....I'm so overwhelmed when I think of how damn lucky I am.  

We eventually got dinner and headed back to the hotel.  It was hard to get to sleep that night.  There was so much going on in my head.  So many emotions, so many thoughts, so much energy.  Eventually, we both fell asleep.  

I'll get to Monday's recap soon.  I love being able to share these adventures with you all; it helps me relive them, and that takes me to a happy place.  Right now, that's a good thing.  


Awesome! How was your Christmas with the family?
December 27, 2012 at 5:22 AM