Saturday, December 29, 2012

DECEMBER 29, 2012

Well, folks, it looks like we are going to have to relaunch Mission: Remission.  I got some news yesterday that was wholly unexpected, very disconcerting, and unwelcome, to say the least.

As I posted, I had blood drawn for my routine 6-week check-up.  I was very much looking forward to celebrating another low CEA, and bidding 2012 goodbye.

Cancer had other plans.

My CEA was up to 3.1.  Shit.  I immediately went to the clinic, and asked to see a nurse, my doctor - anyone.  Within 30 minutes, my port was accessed.  Within 90 minutes, I was in the CT machine.

This, my friends, is one of the many blessings of being treated at CTCA.

I decided not to stick around, waiting for results and pacing the floor.  I didn't make it ten minutes from the hospital when I took a call from Dr. Granick.

They found a mass in my pelvis, 12 cm/4 inches.

Son of a bitch.

He and I talked, and based on the location, etc., he was thinking it was ovarian cancer.  The good news is that my lung tumors appears to still be stable, and my lymph nodes are still within normal range.

Silver lining, people.  Silver lining.

Dr. Granick ordered more blood work to test me for the CA 125 levels.  This is a marker for ovarian cancer.  Normal range is under 30.  Mine is at 80.3.

It looks like I'm going to have to change my title to 3 time cancer survivor.


At this point, the only thing that I really know is that I am going to have to have surgery to remove the mass.  I have a routine med-onc appointment on Wednesday to meet with Dr. Granick, and he has already scheduled me in with the gynecological oncologist, Dr. Farley, for Thursday morning first thing.  I'm assuming that I'll know more on Thursday, and have a better game plan.

I've called people (if I missed you, I apologize...) and most have asked how I'm doing.

Well, I'm pissed.  Royally, monumentally pissed.  I'm tired.  Mentally exhausted.  And, I'm ready for the fight.

But, I'm going to need your help.  Please....please send up prayers, good mojo, whatever you believe family and I are going to need it.  I don't know what 2013 is going to bring, but I'm still hopeful.

As soon as I know more, y'all will know.  Meantime, I'm going to do my best to live the hell out of this weekend.  I'm going to a formal masquerade ball on Monday night, and I'm determined to have a good time.  Wednesday and Thursday are going to come soon enough.

Let's do this....engage, my army!  Engage....


amyv said...
Praying for you. You seem to have a great, kick-ass attitude and I hope you are successful this time too!
December 29, 2012 at 12:38 PM
Blogger Thandi said...
12cm!? That's huge! So glad it hadn't started bothering you.Hope we can get rid of this new enemy asap and have you staying 'fit' throughout the war.
December 29, 2012 at 12:58 PM
Blogger test said...
Prayers and blessings to you.
December 29, 2012 at 1:17 PM
Blogger Tina said...
Michelle, you know you have my prayers. So sorry you have to go through more of this crap. If anyone can beat this, you can! Keep us posted!
Love and hugs,
December 29, 2012 at 5:07 PM
Blogger CJ Bersani said... are a strong woman and I know you can fight this. lots of love and prayers from back home <3
December 29, 2012 at 6:24 PM
Blogger Coni Jones said...
Love you Michelle...praying for you... you are an inspiration...keeping fighting...never give up!
December 29, 2012 at 7:34 PM
Blogger Natteringnic said...
Dammit...this post has left me speechless. I hate being speechless. I hate cancer even more. You continue to be an inspiration. I wish I had magical words to make this ridiculously unfair situation better. But I don't. Keep Hangin' Tough!
December 30, 2012 at 4:55 AM
Blogger Dana Birnberg said...
Michelle. I have been following your journey and have come to love, admire, and respect you.....I am a friend of Sharon's.
December 30, 2012 at 3:17 PM
Blogger Dana Birnberg said...
Sending positive energy your way.
December 30, 2012 at 3:18 PM
Blogger Karen Smith said...
Devastated for you but continue to be inspired by your attitude. Your kids are lucky to have a kick-ass mom who has silver lining moments ...
Fight the good fight and know there are many of us who have never even met you but are in awe of you and are rooting for your recovery!
December 30, 2012 at 4:42 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...

Oh my gosh. That's some bull crap! I'm sorry - that sucks SO BAD. I know that you're a fighter and you're going to give this everything you've got, but good Lord! I think you deserve a break. Sending prayers and happy thoughts your way. Stay strong and you'll get through this one too.
January 2, 2013 at 9:36 PM

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