Friday, August 19, 2011

AUGUST 19, 2011

So, this week I realized that I have an upcoming appointment with the oncologist, and yet I haven't had my PET or my colonoscopy.  I called the onco's office, and apparently my health insurance is being a little more difficult about approving the referrals for these tests.  The doctor's back-office coordinator has submitted the request 4 times, and each time the insurance company keeps coming back with a reason why they need her to re-submit.  Not good.

Not sure yet what this means, but it has me a little worried.  I'm just hoping that I hear something back soon.  As it is, I had to reschedule my appt with my doctor to accommodate the push-out of the PET and colonoscopy.  I'm hoping this doesn't keep pushing out.  I really don't like having the tests done (well, the colonoscopy more than the PET), but I'm much happier knowing that we are on top of everything and being proactive, rather than waiting for something to surface and then trying to figure out what's causing the issue.  I get so nervous this time of year, and the waiting is by far the worst part.  Well, unless I get bad news, which will obviously trump the waiting.

Anywhoo, I'll be making yet another phone call to the drs office today, in the hopes of getting an answer on when I can get my tests done.


I can't wait until I can go two years between these things.  But, I have to have a clean colonoscopy three years in a row to allow that to happen, and I haven't even had one.

Stupid cancer.  I just want to live my life.

Wait - I am!  Take that, cancer!


Carole said...
Awww Michelle,

Really sorry to hear that you have to have this added stress. As if the actual tests aren't already stressful enough...

Here in the UK we don't have the insurance issues that you guys have, as long as the Doc says you need this test, you get it.
However I'm sure our current government would change things if only they could.

I'll be hoping for the cleanest, clearest colon ever for you - keep us posted
Much luv xxxx
August 19, 2011 at 1:41 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

Hope all works out! Ron has a scan Sept 1st. So we share similar anxiety.
August 21, 2011 at 1:53 PM

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