Wednesday, August 31, 2011

AUGUST 31, 2011

If I counted correctly, today was my 8th PET scan since being diagnosed.  At some point, I'm sure being injected with radioactive sugar and sitting in a PET machine for 30 minutes will come back to haunt me.  Meantime, I'm grateful for this fairly non-invasive test, since it gives us all a good idea of what's going on (or, better - what's NOT going on) inside my body.

Not eating or drinking in the A.M. sucks - I'm a breakfast eater, and a coffee drinker, so not doing those two things always makes for a bad morning.  However, I'm okay now - an emergency trip to Dunkin Donuts post-PET made things much better.  *happy Michelle*

Not sure yet how the test went - well, results-wise.  Test is always easy.  Of the ones I've had to go through, this is the one I don't mind.  One injection, done.  Well, I don't like the smell/taste of the saline they put into my veins, but I'll deal.  :)

Hoping I hear back from the dr with a thumbs-up report soon.  The last two times I was in with this PET tech, he let me look at the results before I left.  This time, he ushered me out and wished me good luck with everything.  I'm *hoping* that this is all just coincidence and that nothing glowed that wan't supposed to.  I'm also anxious about this change of pace, since I was looking forward to an all-clear from him before I left.

I'm doing my best not to worry, but my hourly calls from Levi (who's currently in CA) aren't helping, asking if I heard anything.  With what happened over the last couple of months, we are both really nervous about the outcome of today's appointment.  And so, we wait in earnest, checking the phone every 5 or 10 minutes to make sure I didn't miss a phone call from the dr.

I hate waiting.  I'm not a very patient person, and tend to look at things in the worst-case scenario way, with the hopes that when the news comes back not-so-bad, I'm happy.  Here's hoping my twisted self-psychology works this time, too.  


Tina said...
Thinking of you Michelle! Hope the doc doesn't make you wait too long before getting the "all clear"!
August 31, 2011 at 5:55 PM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...

I do the very same thing, Michelle. I hate waiting for the results.
August 31, 2011 at 8:22 PM

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