Thursday, December 19, 2013

DECEMBER 19, 2013

Well, I have to say that, in good Christmas news, I feel better physically than I have felt in months!  I'm not sure how it happened, or why it happened, or how long it will last.  All I know is that, for right now, I'm in a minimal amount of pain (knocking on wood as I type this...), my energy level is up, and I feel more like ME than I have in many more months than I care to count.

And, that's after I had chemo again on Tuesday.

As I said, I'll take it.

Infusion on Tuesday went well.  There were a few hiccups with timing and getting the orders into the system, but those were really very minor glitches in the grand scheme of things.  My platelets were at 104 (woot!), my other counts were at really good levels, and my infusion on Tuesday went off without a hitch.  All in all, I can't complain.

Okay....I'll complain a little.  The Erbitux rash is starting to kick in, and in typical me-fashion, it isn't hitting me in the same areas it hit last time.  I've had the tight, itchy skin on my face (mostly my cheeks and nose area, and around my mouth) for about a week now, but I seem to be able to mitigate that with some calendula lotion (script from my naturopath) and a quick change-up of my makeup (because, underneath it all, I'm still a girl who refuses to leave the house with no makeup on).  My scalp is becoming pretty itchy, especially over the past few days, and I've noticed that my back is dry and itchy.  However, the Erbitux rash has laid clain to my upper chest area, right around where your collarbone is and just below that (I believe it's called your decolletage).  The rash has hit me full-force there....luckily it doesn't's just ugly.  *sigh*  I keep telling myself that the more the rash kicks in, the more the chemo is working.  But, I'll be honest - when you're looking in the mirror....that doesn't help.

In talking with Kia, my PA, this week, it looks like I should expect to see the rash kick in some more over the next few days.  I am definitely seeing an increase in the dryness on my face and scalp, especially the past day or two.  But, as I said, I'm feeling really good otherwise, so it's easy to overlook that other stuff.  For the most part, anyways.

We've started talking about getting me back into physical therapy, to try to rebuild my muscle strength.  I keep losing weight - I'm down to the lowest I've been in many years, and at last count on Tuesday, I'm down 35 pounds (or 12% body weight) since May.  I keep dropping, but slowly....everyone is keeping an eye on it, but none of my medical team seems overly concerned.  They all believe that, with everything I've been through, my body's use of energy (food and stored fat) has changed.  My metabolism has shifted, and my muscle tone/structure is a lot less than it was say at this time last year.  We are going to do some sort of electrode scan of my body, giving them a view of what my muscle mass is versus fat versus water weight, and use that to start my PT routine.  I'm looking forward to seeing where I am, and what I need to do to regain some of my strength.  I have to say, I do enjoy being down so much in weight.  For the first time in as long as I can remember, I'm wearing sizes smaller than an XL, which is mind-boggling.  My MIL and I went shopping last week, and I tried on my typical XL.....and it was way too big.  I ended up with several tops in a large, and jeans in a size I've only dreamed about wearing.  It's crazy, but I'll take it.

What else?  I think that's about it - everyone seemed really pleased with my improvements.  I actually walked around CTCA all day without my walker on Tuesday, which was a HUGE victory for me.  And, I wasn't stooped over like I have been - I was able to stand upright, which is a luxury I've not had in a while.  It's something you tend to take for granted....that ability to walk.  When it's taken from you, it's a loss you've never imagined.  When you get it back, it's such a gift.  I can't tell you how excited I was to walk into the bank the other day, completely upright and without assistance.  As we were walking around CTCA on Tuesday, I kept saying that this was my own Christmas miracle.  I'd like another one (cancer shrinkage), but for now, I'll take this.  The other can be my New Year's miracle.  :)

I'm off to get things done today.  My MIL, who has been here for almost two months, headed home today.  She has been a huge help to us, and it was nice being able to spend time with her.  Today's agenda are to get the house back in order a bit, pick my car up (oil pump went this week - it's in the shop right now), go to Kevin's school to help him with a science experiment/presentation, and maybe get some more shopping done.

Crazy, right?  Not too shabby for a chick who couldn't walk the length of her house two weeks ago.

See - my own little Christmas miracle.  As I said, I don't know how long I'll have this for, so for as long as I'm feeling good, I'm going to take it.

Happy Thursday, my friends!


Lisa said...
I'm so glad you are feeling better Michelle. Merry Christmas!
December 19, 2013 at 9:32 AM
Blogger Melanie said...
Woo hoo! Love it! We'll take miracles one at time.... because if they come one at a time, then that means everything is moving in the right direction! We're keeping up the fight for you, Michelle! Your Army is strong and as ready as ever... Love you! Wishing you all the Christmas spirit and love this holiday season!
December 19, 2013 at 9:45 AM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...
I know you hate the Erbitux rash but overall your outlook and physical ability seems amazing to me! I'm so happy for you right now!!!
December 19, 2013 at 1:55 PM
Blogger Tina said...

Wow! You are doing great! So glad to hear it! Enjoy the holiday season with your lovely family!
December 22, 2013 at 3:49 PM

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