Monday, December 23, 2013

DECEMBER 23, 2013

Well, after spending 8 hours sorting and wrapping gifts yesterday, I am still not done (though I did make good headway yesterday).  Between what we got the kids and what others have helped us with, the kids are going to have an absolutely epic Christmas.  I almost don't want to wait until Wednesday to give them anything, but I will.  That's the fun in getting to be a parent, is the knowing and the anticipation.  :)

I thought I would update quick on my Erbitux rash.  In typical Michelle-fashion, the rash isn't anything like the last time.  I remember the pain when the rash kicked in on my face, and crying (well, sobbing) in the urgent care at CTCA because the pain from the swelling was so bad; I couldn't smile, couldn't talk, couldn't breathe without my face hurting.

This time?  I do have some ickiness around my nose, and my entire face is dry as a desert, but the majority of the rash is on my shoulders and back.  I assume I have some on my scalp, since it's always itchy and tender.  But, the rash is pretty much on my shoulders and upper torso, front and back.  Big fun.

I don't know how the rash will manifest itself moving forward.  I am off the Erbitux until Jan 3rd, and finishing up with the Xeloda this week.  Starting Jan 3rd, assuming my CEA isn't skyrocketing, we will continue this for another round or two, and then do a CT scan to see where things stand.  I'm hoping that, between the steady Erbitux routine and continuing the antibiotic, the rash will start to normalize and calm down a bit.  But, who's me, after all.

Other than that, I'm still feeling good.  It should come as no surprise to anyone that I'm always overdoing it.  I feel so good that it's hard for me to remember that 5 or 6 weeks ago, I was in the hospital, unable to stand on my own and unable to walk completely without the walker.  Now, for example, Levi and I were out shopping all day on Saturday, and while I took the walker as support, I was not completely bent over, leaning on the walker to function.  It now serves more as a secondary support, and gives me a seat when I need it, which I didn't, even after walking the entire length of thee mall.

Wrapping gifts yesterday was uncomfortable, but I think that was as much due to the seat I was in as anything.  I'm not complaining, though.  I still feel better than I have in months.  I'll take what I can get.

And, on that note, I have things to get done today, so I'll sign off.  More this week - meantime, to all my amazing friends, thank you for another wonderful year.  It's solely with your thoughts, prayers, and good mojo that I've made it this far.

Merry Christmas Eve Eve, my army.  I adore you all!

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