Friday, July 1, 2011

JULY 1, 2011

I don't have a voice this morning.  And, it's totally okay.  I lost it to my boys last night.  They can have it.  It's a small sacrifice, in all honesty.  They can have my voice, as long as I continue to see them perform live.  I think it's a fair deal, right?

Up and at 'em, and I'm still stoked about last night.  I am so glad I didn't have to go to this concert by myself - my amazing friend Erin went with me, and we had a BLAST!  I was a little hesitant about the opening acts, but I was very happy to be pleasantly surprised.  I knew Jordin Sparks was opening for them, but they also added a new act, Ashlyne Huff.  She is adorable, really talented (singing live and dancing?  Yes, please!), and had some great tunes!  I didn't think I knew any Jordin Sparks songs, but I was wrong.  She's amazing live - gorgeous voice!  I can see why she won American Idol.

And then, after what seemed like a long 20 minutes set change, my boys came onstage.  *le sigh*  Oh yes, the screaming and jumping up and down began in earnest.  I bopped and danced and jumped and squealed and sighed my way through the entire show - I think I sat down for about 15 minutes of the 2-hour set.  It was un-freaking-believable.  I wasn't sure how the collaboration with NKOTB and BSB would work - oh, how I doubted.  How could two boy bands work together to bring two generations of hormone-driven girls to a screaming frenzy?  Oh - they did it.

My boys were, of course, amazing.  They just keep getting better and better with time.  And, while I wasn't ever a huge fan of BSB, I'll be downloading some of their music - love!  BSB was really good live - they each clearly have a talent that they nurture and cherish.  I loved seeing how they each had a niche within the crowd that they geared their performance towards.    For example, Brian is a dad with young children, and made sure he sang to, waved to, and called out the younger generation in the crowd.  *melt*

As I said, my boys.....ah, my boys.  I said last night that, when I first saw them in 1989 or 1990, I would never have imagined then that I could be blogging about NKOTB 21 years later.  And yet, here I am.  Swooning like a teenager, falling in love with a teen idol.  Except, these boys have become men (oh, how they have become men...), and they have aged beautifully.

When I was a teenager, I was a Joey girl.  Those beautiful blue eyes, that smooth voice (even through puberty), that curly head of hair.  *fanning self*  I cautiously liked Donnie, but it felt like a betrayal of my life's love to lust after one of his bandmates, so I kept my feelings hidden.  Now, however.....oh, I'm a firm member of both Team Joey and Team Donnie.  Joey - the husband, father, and still swoon-worthy singer.  Donnie - the quintessential bad boy, making grown women faint by ripping his shirt off during the concert last night (yes, I had to hold onto the table to keep my balance).  It's like they represent two sides of me - the responsible part of me that's a mom, wife, etc.  And, the side that's just damn happy to be alive, and willing to do just about anything to enjoy it.

On that note, I did enjoy myself last night.  Erin laughed at me, saying that my jumping and screaming was funny, reminding her of a kid on Christmas morning that can't wait to open their presents.  I'm not embarrassed - it's who I am!  She asked me to stop being so stoic when I'm around her and the other girls - I didn't realize I was doing that, so I'm going to make an effort to be more ME around them.  I suppose I still feel like an imposter in their circle of friendship (the newcomer, still feeling her way around everything).  However, time is short, I'm happy and healthy and blessed to have friends like this to celebrate with, and I'm not going to hold back any longer.  (Girls - you've been warned!)

With that, I'm going to end this blathering post and get back to what I need to do.  However, I will be making a stop at Best Buy today to pick up the compilation album to jam to later, and I'll be listening to my New Kids songs (as well as my new BSB songs) all day long.

*sigh*  I love days like this - remembering, just a little bit, what it's like to be 13 and in love with the seemingly perfect boys.

And, Donnie - oh yes, Donnie.  My husband and kids are not here.  Wanna come over?  *wagging eyebrows*  :)

OH!  Looking at the title, I remembered that I wanted to post about.  If you remember, the last time I saw my boys, I was on chemo.  I took Julia to the concert with me, and she wanted to leave early.  I was tired, and weak, and had the next day's chemotherapy session on my mind.  This time?  Oh - the energy level was/is 100 times better.  I stayed the entire freaking concert.  And, I shared this amazing experience with my wonderful friend.  Oh yes - I do love my life!  Take that, cancer!


I'm Nic. said...

Dude...I *heart* NKOTB and Joe is my fave as well! I checked out the NKOTBSB show in Montreal a few weeks ago...NK 4 Eva!
July 4, 2011 at 6:36 PM

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