Friday, July 22, 2011

JULY 22, 2011

When I was in Austin last year for the LiveSTRONG retreat, I met Eden.  She was my roommate, and my first impression of her was, "Woah - I should have dressed up."  Eden is a lawyer, and dressed impeccably all the time.  I've never seen her (or a pipcture of her) where she wasn't dresesed to the nines, in a gorgeous dress or suit.  I walked into the room with khaki shorts and a tee shirt - it was sort of funny!  I can't imaging what she thought of me. 

She was a stage 4 breast cancer survivor, and while we didn't have much in common (she is a litigation lawyer, has no human kids [only 4-legged furry ones], etc.), we hit it off.  She's an amazing woman with a fight in her that's so admirable.  Please read this article that is on the front page of the St. Petersburg Times this morning, featuring her love story with her husband.  It's truly inspiring.  

This is Crystal (another amazing woman), me and Eden (on the right) at the retreat last year.  We were lounging by the pool before dinner.  :)

Eden is struggling right now.  She's in the hospital and her blood counts are WAY low (60 white blood cells in her ENTIRE body), her tumors have grown, and they don't know how much time she has left.  It's a very scary time for her, and I can only hope that she and her husband Cory have peace about decisions that they need to make. Eden's a beautiful soul and her love for Cory is true and lasting.  It's clear from Cory's actions in the hospital (as detailed in the story) that he feels the same way about Eden.  Love that pure isn't common, and it's usually once-in-a-lifetime.  What a gift they have both been given.  

I don't know what the next couple of hours, days, months will bring for Eden and Cory.  I know that I am blessed to have been given the chance to meet her, and to do my best to get her story out.  Eden, my friend,  I hope that you know how much of an impact you have had on the world, and on me.  Much love....

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