Wednesday, July 24, 2013

JULY 24, 2013

So, before anyone else says it, I will.  I'm a slacker.  I suck at updating this blog lately, and for that, I'm sorry.  But, I've been tired.  And busy.

The past week or so was spent applying for and jockeying paperwork for my long-term disability claim.  Up until now, I've been on short-term disability, but I reached the time limit and thus had to switch to LTD.  It's okay - we should be able to make it work for us.  But, the phone calls, the paperwork, the application process - yeah.  Not so much fun when you're already exhausted.

My next challenge is to apply for Social Security Disability - I started that process this morning, and had to walk away.  I feel like I'm entering the same information over and over and over and over.  *sigh*
 f reflection.  I have started to almost mourn the "other" Michelle, the person I was not only before this hospital visit, but before this whole battle started back 17 months ago.  (In case your wondering, I've gotten over the pre-cancer Michelle process - I found that I like who I am now a whole lot better than the person I was pre-cancer.)  I miss running.  I miss exercising.  I miss being active, and being Super-Mom.  I miss juggling work and home.  I miss running and swimming and romping with my kids.

It's hard, when I start to think about it.  Those are the pieces that I most miss.  I want so desperately to get back to that, and it seems like, whenever we think we are going to catch a break, something comes along to prove us wrong.  And, it pisses me off.

I know I'm up against an evil thing.  I know the statistics.  I know what *could* happen.  I also know that I'm strong, and that I'm not willing to give up.  I've found ways to live a good life, in spite of the things I've lost.

Speaking of which, I'm going to have to end here.  I've just been asked to help architect a train track in the front room.  Looks like Kevin and I are going to have some fun with Thomas the Tank Engine this afternoon.

Wishing you all a wonderful day, and I promise, I'll get on here more and keep everyone updated.  :)


Caroline said...
Dont feel guilt about not updating your blog. Life takes over and things like Thomas the Tank Engine can be much more important than blogging.
July 24, 2013 at 4:54 PM
Blogger Joan B said...
glad to hear from you, but agree that thomas the tank engine takes precedence....luck on the disability apps
July 24, 2013 at 11:34 PM
Blogger Laura Loe said...

Hey Michelle...

I totally understand the disability process as I have been doing the paperwork for way too long. I do not know about your former employers short and long through disability but for me long term pays more than what short term paid and that was with AMEX managed by metlife.With a cancer diagnosis it would pay well into 2020's.

As for SS disability it is a nightmare but you should be approved without too much drama... but get a lawyer working with you...I would recommend
I wish I would have known about them when my battle started as I have 1 friend using them and 1 that know the family...I didn't know about them until I had signed on with Binder and Binder... don't use them.

Anyway, if you need help just let me know, I would be happy to help you.

July 25, 2013 at 12:15 PM

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