Friday, July 26, 2013

JULY 26, 2013

Well, as I'm sure you all are wondering how my date with my son Kevin, Thomas the Tank Engine, and the railroad track went, I'm happy to report it was a resounding success.  Many, many times round the track, and several long, hearty laughs.  Definitely a success.  :)

I thought I'd update you all on the current/future game plans.  I met with my med-onc, Dr. K. today.  We are on a weekly check-up schedule right now, as they are checking my blood work, my kidney functions, etc., to make sure everything is still working the way it's supposed to.  And, so far, so good.  Kidney function is back to normal range, which is fantastic!  Everything else seems to be doing well, too.

My CEA is creeping back up.  At last check (about two weeks ago), my numbers were at 8.something.  (I can't remember exactly what the number was.)  So, that confirms what we already knew, which was that there is still active cancer in my body.  And, we also know that I am going to have to go back on chemo (Oxalipalantin and Xeloda) sometime soon.  How soon is something we've been deciding on a weekly basis.  We thought it might be this week, but honestly, with how I'm feeling right now, that wasn't happening.  We are gearing up for chemo next week, unless something significantly changes.  We will run the Ox slower (at half-speed), which will do a couple of things.  1) It will allow us to catch any reaction I may have to it more quickly, as the meds will be running slower.  And, 2) It will allow my body to tolerate the chemo better.  I'm on-board with this!

Dr. K. and I also talked about my strength and stamina, or rather, my lack thereof.  He could see that I was getting frustrated, and he told me about a study done in Texas at one of the medical facilities there.  In this study, they took several 18-year old recruits, who were in tip-top condition, and confined them to bedrest for 2 days.  48 hours.  That's it.  But, in that time, they lost 80% of their body functions, meaning they lost strength, stamina, etc.  So, it's not wonder that my body is still so tired and weak, right?  (And, doesn't this make you also think twice before you spend an entire weekend on the couch, eating nothing but crap?  Or, why we, as a fairly sedentary society, have the issues and physical problems that we have?)  Because of this, I had an Occupational Therapy evaluation today, and I have a Physical Therapy evaluation next week.  Dr. K's hope is that by working with these two therapists, I will be able to get back some of my strength.  I have never been so excited to "work out" in my entire lifetime.  :)

It's going to take me a while to get there.  Someone told me recently that, for every day you spend in the hospital, you can expect that it will take a week to return to "normal".  Yikes - I was in the hospital for 14 days.  So, I guess I'll set a goal of Halloween for myself!

This week wasn't too bad.  I have been able to play here and there with the kids, and even did some shopping for produce this week.  Up until now, I've been using the electric carts at the store to get around, but I didn't have to at Sprouts (produce store) or Target!  This may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but for me?  I felt like shouting it from the rooftops!  Ha!

Each day does get a little better.  And, I'm hoping that, between the OT/PT and cutting back some of the meds that make me drowsy, I will continue to see improvements (even small ones) each day!  I know it's going to be a long and frustrating experience, but I feel much more confident now that we have a fairly strong game plan in place.

I did get approved for long-term disability this week, which was a relief.  It is a pay cut, but thankfully not as deep as I had originally expected.  It's still going to hurt, especially around the holidays, but I'll think about that when it gets here.

What else is going on?  I'm trying to figure out how I can pay for my ticket to Miami in October for the Colon Cancer Alliance's Annual Conference.  I got a scholarship, but I can't get reimbursed until I pay for the ticket.  And, I had no idea a) that I couldn't get a straight flight from Phoenix to Miami, or b) that flying into Miami could be so flipping expensive.  I've got a flight-watch out on, but if anyone has a lead on a cheap flight to Miami, let me know!  I've got a couple of other things in the works, too, but I'll let you know about those once they are finalized.

More later.  I'm off to get the kids and do a little shopping for dinner!  Have a great weekend, my fabulous army!


Laura Loe said...
Michelle you are amazing... you attitude is very uplifting to me. I am so happy to hear your long term disability has been approved!! YAY
July 27, 2013 at 3:11 PM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...
I am happy to hear this news. You are really improving physically. You might not think so but I do! Try not to overdo things in your quest for normalcy. :)
July 27, 2013 at 7:50 PM
Blogger Amie Williams said...

Good to hear that you got approved for your long term disability!!
You will get there because you are one tough cookie and there is nothing that will stop you from enjoying life! Slow and steady wins the race, right? :) :)
July 30, 2013 at 7:51 AM

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