Thursday, August 1, 2013

AUGUST 1, 2013

So, I woke up this morning and my tummy was upset.  I couldn't figure out what was going on, until it dawned on me. I have chemo tomorrow.  And it hit me - I didn't even know I was starting to panic about how tomorrow is going to go.

I know I need to go in - I, as much as anyone else, gets that this *has* to happen.  The chemo is necessary.  My CEA is up to 9.7....not anywhere near where I expected it to be, considering I've been off chemo for 2 months, and I've been so weak.  But, it's definitely up there, and I need to fight.

Honestly, it's been nice having a break where I didn't have to schedule my life around chemo.  I'll get back to that point again.  Meantime, I'm trying to deal with the butterflies in my stomach.

I had occupational therapy this week, and I had an evaluation with physical therapy yesterday.  Together, those two disciplines, along with chiro and my massage therapist, are working on a plan that will (hopefully) get my back back in order, and get me to a point where I'm much stronger physically (and thus, emotionally).  I broke down in the eval yesterday.  I was trying to explain how frustrated I am with my body's lack of strength, of stamina, of capability.  And, I think it just hit me all at once, just how damn weak I am.  I don't mean emotionally, etc.  But, the physical has such a part in how the emotional plays out, and seeing my body be where it is, compared to where is was 18 months ago (working out 3-4 times a week, walking and running, working out with a trainer...), it was hard to really put it into works.  We both cried, and she assured me that they are going to work to get me as close to that per-cancer capability as possible.  And, the stronger my body is, the more we can kick this cancer's ass.

This isn't going to be a long post.  I need to make dinner, get things ready for tomorrow....I was going to do all of this earlier, but my stomach was bothering me when I got home, and I took a (very long and unintended) 3 hour nap.

I'm here.  I'm as ready for tomorrow as I think I'll ever be.  Here's hoping I'm able to blog sooner, rather than later.  Wish me luck for tomorrow.  And, for good sleep tonight, too.  :)

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Joan B said...
much luck wished! hugs
August 1, 2013 at 6:09 PM
Blogger Kristi H said...
Good Luck My Friend (((Big Hugs)))
August 1, 2013 at 9:59 PM
Blogger Laura Loe said...
Heres hoping it all goes well with the chemo, that runningit slower works like a charm. Wishing you strength, stamina and pain relief as soon as possible.

Love love.....Laura
August 2, 2013 at 1:43 PM
Blogger Tina said...

Thinking of you and hoping all went well!
August 2, 2013 at 7:11 PM

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