Tuesday, August 27, 2013

AUGUST 27, 2013

Well, I got the results from my CT scan yesterday.  It was pretty much what we all expected - growth in all tumors, and some new ones have popped up.

The lung tumors - they have all grown, and the biggest (I think) is 1.6 cm.  There are also new ones, much smaller.  The good news (according to my nurse) is that the tumors are not consolidated, and that there is no pleural effusion (fluid on the lungs).  Whew.

The lymph nodes in my abdomen have also grown - one is 1.4 cm, and the other is 1.2 cm.  This is likely the cause of the tender spot in my abdomen, which is good to know.  I was terrified it was another tumor, so it's kind of a relief.

We are still waiting on insurance approval for the new chemo.  Because it's an off-label use, they have to go through a different approval, proving why they want to use this and why they think it's going to work.  Dr. K. wants me on chemo ASAP, so they are keeping a close eye on the approval process and will be calling my insurance company today if they haven't already heard back.  The moment I get the phone call that we are approved, I'll be heading down to CTCA to pick up the meds. 


I'm glad there's a plan. I hate that it takes a while to get approval!
August 27, 2013 at 10:50 AM
Blogger Joan B said...

Hugs, I hope you get approval soon and that the new meds do the trick. You deserve it (and more).
August 27, 2013 at 3:01 PM

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