Monday, May 16, 2011

MAY 16, 2011

Mid-May, and there's so much to tell you, so I'll try to bullet-point it for you.  Ready?
  • We've moved - we made the (not as hard as we thought) decision to let the inevitable happen, and let the house go.  It's a decision we made with the help of housing/mortgage professionals, and it wasn't made hastily.  After much discussion and many late-night conversations, we decided that letting the house go to auction is the best way for us to handle this.  Not our proudest moment, but there you go.  The thing is, we've felt more at peace about this decision than many of the others we've made in the past.  Makes me feel like this is what needs to happen.  Trusting in fate, and hoping for the best.
  • The kids are almost done with school - hard to imagine, but it's true.  Kevin's graduation from preschool is tomorrow, and I can't wait to go.  I'm going to cry, I know it.  Julia finished 3rd grade next week, which is unreal.  She's already checked out, mentally, so I'm doing my best to keep her focused long enough to finish her book report this week.  
  • Levi's still traveling, but he has a job, so that's good.  My job is steady, and I'm still working to build my business on the side.  Really kicking it into gear this month, and hoping for another great finish.  :)  
  • I was contacted by Imerman Angels to become an angel for someone this month.  She's a 30-something recently diagnosed colon cancer survivor, and I'm hoping that I can provide her with some information that might help her through.  It really helps me feel like my journey is worthwhile when I can use the information I've learned to help someone else.  I've also been helping someone at work whose father was recently diagnosed.  
  • I can't believe that next week (Monday) is my 3-year cancer-versary.  I feel like I've taken a huge step away from my advocacy lately, and I think for my mental health that is good.  I'm trying to focus on something other than my cancer diagnosis, and start to live past it.  While the cancer will always and forever be an essential part of who I am, I want to find out who I am AFTER cancer.  Having said that, I'm not ever going to stop helping others.  Matter of fact, I worked an event a couple of weeks ago for CCA (it's always so good to get out and talk with others about advocacy, prevention and early detection), and I'm actively working on a few key points of another big event taking place here in February.  So, while I've stepped away, I'm not out by ANY means.
As you can see, it's been a LITTLE busy around here, but we are finally feeling more settled and hopeful.  This month, we celebrate my mom's birthday, Kevin's birthday, next month is Levi's and my birthday, and we have family and friends coming in for a party at the beginning of June, then more the week later and then more later in the month.  :)  Busy time around here, but if you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know that life wouldn't be life without a certain amount of chaos.  

With that, the laundry is buzzing, I have a sick kid to tend to (he's been sick since last night - hoping we are on the mend), and I've got other things to tend to.  More soon!

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