Monday, May 23, 2011

MAY 23, 2011

Three years ago today, I heard the three words no one EVER wants to hear:  You have cancer.

Three years ago today, I had to face my mortality and think about what comes after...

Three years ago today, I joined a club that no one wants to become a member of, but one that I'm infinitely proudto be involved in.

Three years ago today, I learned how important awareness colors, rubber bracelets, tee shirts, funny gifts, and a hug are when you're at your lowest.  I learned the strength of having a yellow and blue bracelet on my wrist, and the camaraderie that you can have with someone wearing one, without ever knowing their story or why they are wearing it.

Three years ago today, I was given the opportunity to share this day with my mom, who was born on May 23rd.  In a way, it's an amazing gift - her birthday, and my re-birth day.  Pretty cool!  And, Happy Birthday Mom!  I love you!  I promise to never have another major test on your birthday again!  :)

Three years ago today, my life changed in ways that I am still learning.  I started a journey to become the person I am, and the person I'm much happier being.  I have learned so much about myself - the strength I have, the courage I have, the LOVE I have for people I don't even know.  I've learned the importance of letting the small things go, and focusing on the big picture.  I've learned that material things don't matter - it's the people in your life and how you treat them that will determine the happiness you feel.

Three years ago today - it's hard to imagine that it's been that long.  There are days when I feel like it was just last week that I found out I had colon cancer, and yet, it's a lifetime away.  When I think back on it, and when I read back through my blog, it's mind-boggling how much I went through, and how much support I had/have.  The number of people that rallied around me and supported me were unreal - it was so surprising to have that kind of love, support, and help from all over the world.  It makes me want to be a better person, to make sure that I'm worthy of that kind of love.  It also makes me want to help others as they start/continue their journey, and I feel like having that opportunity makes my diagnosis and treatment much more worthwhile.

Three years ago today, I had to call my parents and tell them that their only daughter had just been diagnosed with colon cancer.  (In all honesty, my husband had to tell my mom, since I was on the phone - two phones, both lines - with the hospital, surgeon, doctor's offices, radiology location, etc.)  I had to call my brothers and tell them, my in-laws, my friends and family.  I had to tell my kids what was going on - how do you explain cancer to a 6 and almost-2 year old?  Hell, how do you explain it to a 31 year old?

Three years ago today, I started what is undoubtedly the longest, hardest, BEST journey of my life.  I wouldn't be the person I am without my cancer diagnosis, and for that I'll always be grateful.  I wouldn't know the people I know without going through this, and I'm so grateful for their presence that I can't regret my diagnosis.  I have been able to become friends with some of the strongest, most amazing people I've ever met.    I have had experiences that NEVER would have come my way otherwise, and my gratitude is unending.

Three years ago today, I was diagnosed with colon cancer.

Three years ago today, I started earning the title "Colon Cancer Ass-Kicker."

Three years ago today, I became a better person.

Imagine what will happen in the next three years.....


HECK YEAH! Keep kicking A$$! You are amazing!
May 23, 2011 at 7:13 PM
Blogger Mrs. Buv said...
You amaze me. I am so thankful I know...although I wish it was not because of stupid cancer. :) I love you!!!!!! xoxo
May 23, 2011 at 8:31 PM
Blogger I'm Nic. said...
Love, love, love this post. Congrats on all you have accomplished!
May 24, 2011 at 1:47 PM
Blogger info said...

That's freaking awesome. Great post and your reflections are really insightful - always great to hear inspirational posts! Thanks for sharing.

Pulse of the Patient
May 31, 2011 at 6:51 PM
Blogger chaoticfamily said...

Very powerful post! So glad you've given this crap disease such an ass kicking.

Glad you see the positive spin of finding out on your Mom's birthday. We found out on my Mom's birthday that my Dad has colon cancer, then on my birthday he had his re-section. So I find birthday's hard! I think I need to look at them from your perspective from now on! :)

June 1, 2011 at 10:38 PM

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