Friday, September 6, 2013


After a few days of worrying, anxiety, and a few sleepless nights, we finally got some good news.

My amazing Dr. K. got the Temodar approved!  It took phone calls from me to the insurance companies, lots of work on the part of CTCA and Dr. K., and a peer-to-peer meeting, but he did it!  We did it!

And, now the nervousness kicks in.  Another chemo.  Another new unknown, another new round of worrying and hoping.

Here's to an easy treatment, a chemo that's well received by my body and one that works, and here's to clear CT scans in a few months.

As always, prayers, good mojo and well wishes welcomed and greatly appreciated.

Let's do this.


Joan B said...
thrilled for you. you deserve every wish! have a good weekend
September 6, 2013 at 4:46 PM
Blogger Ana said...

I wish you the best. You show us many times how strong you are, you can do it.
You really are in my thoughts and in my prayers. I send you a big hug.
September 9, 2013 at 8:01 PM

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