Friday, February 25, 2011

FEBRUARY 25, 2011

I have a new favorite blog - it's called "Born This Way," and it features posts from gay people, showing pictures of them when they were younger (and often not aware of their homosexuality in a conscious way).  The express their feelings and emotions about being gay, and how they came to deal with them, all in a short blog posting.

Have you heard Lady Gaga's song of the same name?  It's an amazing song (lots of fun beats, catchy tune, etc.) and one that stuck with me.  Aren't we all products of both nature and nurture?  We all have things we were born with - ideas and feelings and emotions and talents that seem ingrained in our souls.  And yet, we are also a product of the experiences we have, how we choose to deal with them, and what choices we make regarding those situations.

It's a fascinating look at the human soul, and how we are who we are.  How we become who we are.  It makes you think about your own life, about your own experiences, and makes you think about how your choices affect who you will be tomorrow.

Truly spectacular...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

FEBRUARY 22, 2011

Well, as expected, my doctor's appointment with the oncologist yesterday was short, sweet, and very good.  $60 copay, 60 seconds with her, and an appointment to come back in 6 months.  :)  I'd prefer that over a longer, angst-filled appointment.

The long and the short of it is I'm doing well, and am approaching my 3-year cancer-versary in full remission.  VERY good news....

It's hard to imagine that I've been out of chemo for over 2 years now.  Wasn't sure I'd get to this point, but I'm sure as hell happy to be here.  Wishing I had others along for this amazing ride, but they will get there.  So, if you have any good vibes, prayers, positive energy, pixie dust, or good karma that can go to folks, please send it to them.  I'd list them all here, but I'd inevitably leave someone out.

As a general update, I'm still working two jobs, but (in all honesty) the house cleaner helped out SO MUCH!!!  I feel so much better, and I know the kids do too.  When they got home on Thursday afternoon, they were so much more relaxed.  And, on Friday, when the house was totally clean?  Well, that version of normal was a beautiful thing.  I am going to try to work from home two days a week, and that should also help.  We'll see how well this works out, but it's a goal!  :) 


I'm Nic. said...
Purely awesome news! Congrats! Also makes me glad I'm Canadian...60 bucks and that's just the co-pay...yikes!!!
February 24, 2011 at 11:28 AM
Blogger Hua said...
Hey, I'm new to your blog. Sounds like great news.

March 6, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Blogger KellyAlysia said...

Hi Michelle,

First of all, congratulations--so good to hear positive news in this community.

I wanted to reach out and let you know about innovative development in colon cancer treatment—a pretty neat new tool called My Colon Cancer Coach. It just launched on Wednesday and is the first patient-focused online tool for new colon cancer patients. Patients answer a few simple questions and then get an individual treatment report that addresses their own diagnosis – leading to a more informed dialogue between the patients and their healthcare provider.

Would you mind helping to spread the word by letting your readers know about this new tool? It is at

Please let me know if you have any questions, need more info or would like to speak with Carlea Bauman—she’s the President of Fight Colorectal Cancer, I would love to put you both in touch if you're interested.

All the best,
March 11, 2011 at 3:21 PM

Thursday, February 17, 2011

FEBRUARY 17, 2011

I have been feeling very out of sorts lately.  Some people would like to think it's due to the anxiety over my PET scan, but I don't think so.  While that's part of it, I believe I've traced it back to a core reason.

I don't like working 2 jobs.

I don't think anyone does.  Let's be honest - I'm happy to have a second job.  There are millions of people that would be ecstatic to have my job, part-time or otherwise.  The fact that I'm able to have two jobs is a miracle.  I get that.  That doesn't mean I'm happy working 60+ hours each week, spending time away from my kids, my husband, my family, my house, and (quite frankly) ME!  I'm happy for the extra income, but not the time away from everyone and everything.

Last weekend, I became completely undone.  Why?  I think it was a perfect storm of things (poor Levi and the kids), but after much introspection, I think it's that I don't have the time or ability to do what I need/want to do around the house, with the kids, for me, etc.  By the time I get home from work on Friday night, I've been gone for 18 hours.  I have to go to sleep, get back up at 6am, get ready for another 9 hour day at the store, back home by 6:30pm, then back at it again the next day for the Sunday rush.

I don't have time to clean the house.  I don't have time to straighten my home up.  I don't have time to help the kids with anything.  I don't have time to organize my house.  I don't have time FOR ME.  And, it has left me so discombobulated that I couldn't even speak.  In all honesty, the last couple of days, I have been an alternate person that wasn't nice, kind, fun, or (in all honesty) fair.

I enjoy cleaning my house.  (Laundry and cooking...not so much.)  I feel a sense of accomplishment when my house goes from weekday chaos to weekend clean.  I LOVE knowing that I've been able to take the time to provide my family with a clean, organized, nice home.

Some people might not believe that this is a good reason to lose your mind.  I do.  I take pride in my house - it might not be anything worth writing a magazine article over, but it's mine.  And, it's how I represent my love and my respect for my family and me.  Not having any control over it has been AWFUL.

So, I took control yesterday.  I've hired a house cleaner, who is coming over tomorrow morning to do a deep clean on my house.  I am SO excited!  And, I have decided to work from home at least one day a week (I'm going to aim for two, but we'll see how well that works out).  That seems to help, since I'm able to log on early, multi-task (i.e., clean while listening into a meeting, do laundry while I'm on-line working, etc.), and I'm able to spend time at home.  That has helped ground me over the past two days, just knowing that I can do that.

My poor husband has borne the brunt of what's been going on in my head, and I need to talk with him.  It's come across as anger or frustration at him, and that's not the case.  Rather, this is more frustration within myself.  I'm hoping I can make it up to him.  I have been awful to him and the kids, and I'm hoping they can forgive me.

Meantime, I'm going to revel in my clean house (well, even more so tomorrow).  I am going to create a list for my husband (at his request) to help him understand what I'd like to have cleaned on the weekends.  I think this will help me out too.  And, just in case, I have the cleaning crew on speed dial.  :) 

Now, onto figuring out how I can work on adjusting the other things in my life, to accommodate this second job.  Maybe I should play the PowerBall....


Carole said...
Awww Michelle - I do feel for you and it's always our husbands that seem to get the brunt of our frustrations...I'm sure he knows what it's all about, but that doesn't shift the guilt we feel for taking it out on them in the first place.

I've been muddling through for months now, battling on and refusing to admit that I need help to come to terms with everything that's happened to me in the past 10 months.

Just do what you can, enjoy your house-cleaner and definitely, absolutely make some time for YOU somewhere along the way.

February 17, 2011 at 2:34 PM
Blogger Bill said...
Don't be hard on yourself. I ofter work 60 hours a week myself. I feel bad for not being able to help my wife out with the kids and the house. On the days I do have off I would rather relax and spend it with the family then to do repairs and help my wife catch up with the house work. I am glad you were able to hire a house cleaner. As my wife is always telling me, the house repairs and mess can wait. They are not going any where. Our kids though, they are only little once.

Enjoy your weekend and hope you are able to do something you enjoy. When do you get the PET scan results?

February 17, 2011 at 6:20 PM
Blogger Colleen said...
I LOVE LAUNDRY AND COOKING, we could trade services!!! I feel like an ass after reading your blog today. I don't work any hours a week, I hate deep cleaning, and I accomplish NOTHING! You should be so proud of all you do, and you are an amazing woman! XOXO
February 18, 2011 at 4:49 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

I worked two jobs once. It is really hard. Looking back, I am not sure that the extra income was worth it. By the time I paid union dues, added in the gas... I really did not make that much money. I enjoyed the people I was working with but it took a toll on me. So, I can relate to what you are going through. I think hiring a housekeeper is a wonderful start.
You need to find some balance in your life. Good luck... you're I know you can handle it. :)
February 19, 2011 at 9:08 AM

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

FEBRUARY 15, 2011

Took a call from the doctor's office today - PET scan results are clear, meaning I am cancer-free for another six months!  Woot!

There is still some uptake of the sugar in the area of concern from last year, which was determined to be scar tissue and possible endometriosis.  I will have a conversation with my OB about this, as the area is getting tender and sore, and I think will need to be addressed here eventually.  But, the doctor assured me there's NO CANCER, which is really my biggest concern.

So, at this point, the appointment with Dr O next week appears to be nothing more than a routine follow-up, and should hold no surprises.


Picture courtesy of, link 


Allison said...
February 15, 2011 at 6:22 PM
Blogger I'm Nic. said...
Just came across your blog. My Mom, who is in her 50s, was just diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. I've been scouring the blogosphere for something inspiring and found you. I will be spending the next few days getting caught up and seeing what lies ahead for my Mom - and our family - over the months ahead.
Congrats on continuing to kick cancer's ass! :)
February 16, 2011 at 5:42 AM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

Keep kicking that ass, Michelle!!!
P.S. Thanks for your support on Ron's Road 2 Recovery. We love you!
Give our regards to Levi.
February 16, 2011 at 7:28 PM

Friday, February 11, 2011

FEBRUARY 11, 2011

PET scan is over.  Can you see me glowing?  Tech said it should take about 24 hours for the radioactive sugar to get out of my system completely, so I expect I'll light up the night when I head into work tonight.  :)

Now, the waiting begins in earnest.....follow up with Dr O on the 21st.


I hate waiting...


Heat said...
Why are your scans and dr appointments so far apart? :(
February 11, 2011 at 9:30 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

Waiting is the pits! Can you call your doctor for the results before your appointment? They usually have the results by the 3rd day.
Keeping my fingers crossed!
P.S. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Levi.♥
February 12, 2011 at 7:38 AM

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FEBRUARY 2, 2011

My next PET scan is scheduled for next Friday, and I'm glad for it.  At the same time, I dread it.  Anyone who's been through a cancer scare or cancer battle understands what I'm talking about.  You want the reassurance that you're healthy and still cancer-free (or, for some, maintaining your current level of cancer, rather than it increasing).  Yet, at the same time, you don't want to hear the results because there might be a chance that you'll hear bad news.  Once you've completed your test, your emotions are on a roller coaster until you hear the results.  (No news must mean good news, right?  Or, why haven't they called - something must be wrong if they haven't called me yet.)


So, I'm on the "before" roller coaster of this round of PET scanning.  I'm happy to be checked out (hey, let's get anything in the early stages) and yet, what if they DO find something.  And that's what I get mad.  BRING IT, cancer.  Beat you once.  I'll kick your ass again.  (grinning wickedly)

I try not to live my life scan to scan, but it's an inevitable thing.  Once you are in remission, most people's expectations are that your life will return to normal.  For those not having gone through this battle, normal means "before cancer" normal.  For those of us on the other side of that life-changing event, normal becomes relative.  What's normal on Monday might not be normal on Friday.  You get used to being happy with what you have on a given day, and learn to make the best of whatever life throws at you.

Today, normal for me means living in anticipation of my PET scan next week.  It means wondering if this cold that I'm fighting for the fourth time since October means that my cancer has spread to my lungs, and I'll get horrific news when I see Dr. O. on the 21st.  It means wondering if I'll be able to have another 6 months of not worrying, or if this will be the start of another battle.

Until next Friday rolls around, I'll continue living this version of normal.  And, I'll enjoy it.  I started working at Lowe's last weekend - it's exhausting, but I think it's the right thing to do.  I miss my children terribly, and I wish Levi and I had more time together.  But, I'm here.  Some days, that's enough.

(rolling shoulders)  Whatever next week brings, I'm ready.  (triumphant music fade-out....)


Whidbey Woman said...
Sending positive thoughts your way. It will be a hard week, but you'll get through it!
February 2, 2011 at 7:56 PM
Blogger crabbymonty said...

I hear ya about the "new normal", and it sure isn't anything like the before normal.

We find out our PET scan results tomorrow and I am a bit worried myself.

Good luck with your scan!

Clear thoughts are being sent your way for another 6 months of no worries.

February 2, 2011 at 9:22 PM