Tuesday, February 22, 2011

FEBRUARY 22, 2011

Well, as expected, my doctor's appointment with the oncologist yesterday was short, sweet, and very good.  $60 copay, 60 seconds with her, and an appointment to come back in 6 months.  :)  I'd prefer that over a longer, angst-filled appointment.

The long and the short of it is I'm doing well, and am approaching my 3-year cancer-versary in full remission.  VERY good news....

It's hard to imagine that I've been out of chemo for over 2 years now.  Wasn't sure I'd get to this point, but I'm sure as hell happy to be here.  Wishing I had others along for this amazing ride, but they will get there.  So, if you have any good vibes, prayers, positive energy, pixie dust, or good karma that can go to folks, please send it to them.  I'd list them all here, but I'd inevitably leave someone out.

As a general update, I'm still working two jobs, but (in all honesty) the house cleaner helped out SO MUCH!!!  I feel so much better, and I know the kids do too.  When they got home on Thursday afternoon, they were so much more relaxed.  And, on Friday, when the house was totally clean?  Well, that version of normal was a beautiful thing.  I am going to try to work from home two days a week, and that should also help.  We'll see how well this works out, but it's a goal!  :) 


I'm Nic. said...
Purely awesome news! Congrats! Also makes me glad I'm Canadian...60 bucks and that's just the co-pay...yikes!!!
February 24, 2011 at 11:28 AM
Blogger Hua said...
Hey, I'm new to your blog. Sounds like great news.

March 6, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Blogger KellyAlysia said...

Hi Michelle,

First of all, congratulations--so good to hear positive news in this community.

I wanted to reach out and let you know about innovative development in colon cancer treatment—a pretty neat new tool called My Colon Cancer Coach. It just launched on Wednesday and is the first patient-focused online tool for new colon cancer patients. Patients answer a few simple questions and then get an individual treatment report that addresses their own diagnosis – leading to a more informed dialogue between the patients and their healthcare provider.

Would you mind helping to spread the word by letting your readers know about this new tool? It is at www.mycoloncancercoach.org.

Please let me know if you have any questions, need more info or would like to speak with Carlea Bauman—she’s the President of Fight Colorectal Cancer, I would love to put you both in touch if you're interested.

All the best,
March 11, 2011 at 3:21 PM

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