Thursday, February 17, 2011

FEBRUARY 17, 2011

I have been feeling very out of sorts lately.  Some people would like to think it's due to the anxiety over my PET scan, but I don't think so.  While that's part of it, I believe I've traced it back to a core reason.

I don't like working 2 jobs.

I don't think anyone does.  Let's be honest - I'm happy to have a second job.  There are millions of people that would be ecstatic to have my job, part-time or otherwise.  The fact that I'm able to have two jobs is a miracle.  I get that.  That doesn't mean I'm happy working 60+ hours each week, spending time away from my kids, my husband, my family, my house, and (quite frankly) ME!  I'm happy for the extra income, but not the time away from everyone and everything.

Last weekend, I became completely undone.  Why?  I think it was a perfect storm of things (poor Levi and the kids), but after much introspection, I think it's that I don't have the time or ability to do what I need/want to do around the house, with the kids, for me, etc.  By the time I get home from work on Friday night, I've been gone for 18 hours.  I have to go to sleep, get back up at 6am, get ready for another 9 hour day at the store, back home by 6:30pm, then back at it again the next day for the Sunday rush.

I don't have time to clean the house.  I don't have time to straighten my home up.  I don't have time to help the kids with anything.  I don't have time to organize my house.  I don't have time FOR ME.  And, it has left me so discombobulated that I couldn't even speak.  In all honesty, the last couple of days, I have been an alternate person that wasn't nice, kind, fun, or (in all honesty) fair.

I enjoy cleaning my house.  (Laundry and cooking...not so much.)  I feel a sense of accomplishment when my house goes from weekday chaos to weekend clean.  I LOVE knowing that I've been able to take the time to provide my family with a clean, organized, nice home.

Some people might not believe that this is a good reason to lose your mind.  I do.  I take pride in my house - it might not be anything worth writing a magazine article over, but it's mine.  And, it's how I represent my love and my respect for my family and me.  Not having any control over it has been AWFUL.

So, I took control yesterday.  I've hired a house cleaner, who is coming over tomorrow morning to do a deep clean on my house.  I am SO excited!  And, I have decided to work from home at least one day a week (I'm going to aim for two, but we'll see how well that works out).  That seems to help, since I'm able to log on early, multi-task (i.e., clean while listening into a meeting, do laundry while I'm on-line working, etc.), and I'm able to spend time at home.  That has helped ground me over the past two days, just knowing that I can do that.

My poor husband has borne the brunt of what's been going on in my head, and I need to talk with him.  It's come across as anger or frustration at him, and that's not the case.  Rather, this is more frustration within myself.  I'm hoping I can make it up to him.  I have been awful to him and the kids, and I'm hoping they can forgive me.

Meantime, I'm going to revel in my clean house (well, even more so tomorrow).  I am going to create a list for my husband (at his request) to help him understand what I'd like to have cleaned on the weekends.  I think this will help me out too.  And, just in case, I have the cleaning crew on speed dial.  :) 

Now, onto figuring out how I can work on adjusting the other things in my life, to accommodate this second job.  Maybe I should play the PowerBall....


Carole said...
Awww Michelle - I do feel for you and it's always our husbands that seem to get the brunt of our frustrations...I'm sure he knows what it's all about, but that doesn't shift the guilt we feel for taking it out on them in the first place.

I've been muddling through for months now, battling on and refusing to admit that I need help to come to terms with everything that's happened to me in the past 10 months.

Just do what you can, enjoy your house-cleaner and definitely, absolutely make some time for YOU somewhere along the way.

February 17, 2011 at 2:34 PM
Blogger Bill said...
Don't be hard on yourself. I ofter work 60 hours a week myself. I feel bad for not being able to help my wife out with the kids and the house. On the days I do have off I would rather relax and spend it with the family then to do repairs and help my wife catch up with the house work. I am glad you were able to hire a house cleaner. As my wife is always telling me, the house repairs and mess can wait. They are not going any where. Our kids though, they are only little once.

Enjoy your weekend and hope you are able to do something you enjoy. When do you get the PET scan results?

February 17, 2011 at 6:20 PM
Blogger Colleen said...
I LOVE LAUNDRY AND COOKING, we could trade services!!! I feel like an ass after reading your blog today. I don't work any hours a week, I hate deep cleaning, and I accomplish NOTHING! You should be so proud of all you do, and you are an amazing woman! XOXO
February 18, 2011 at 4:49 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

I worked two jobs once. It is really hard. Looking back, I am not sure that the extra income was worth it. By the time I paid union dues, added in the gas... I really did not make that much money. I enjoyed the people I was working with but it took a toll on me. So, I can relate to what you are going through. I think hiring a housekeeper is a wonderful start.
You need to find some balance in your life. Good luck... you're I know you can handle it. :)
February 19, 2011 at 9:08 AM

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