Tuesday, April 13, 2010

APRIL 13, 2010

It is so hard to believe that this gorgeous creature is my daughter, and that she's 8 years old today. 

Like most moms facing the birthday of one of their children, today tends to be a day of reflection for me, looking back on my pregnancy with Julia, the birthing experience, and her life since the miraculous moment she was born.  We have had our struggles with Julia, but watching her grow up into this amazing child has been such a blessing.  She's an amazingly intricate and intimate child, willing and able to open her heart to anyone that is willing to share that experience with her.  She's funny, loving, and has a beautiful soul.  Her understanding of human nature (in spite of, or perhaps because of, her struggles with Asperger's) makes her one of the most caring people I've ever has the pleasure of knowing. 

Happy Birthday to the most amazing little girl.  I'm so honored to be your mom, and to be able to share your life with you.  While I'm anxious and excited to see what kind of young woman you are going to grow up to be, don't be too quick about becoming that person.  I'm perfectly happy with your innocent laughter, your joy in bodily functions (ahem), and your interest in make-believe.

I love you more than you'll ever know....


Whidbey Woman said...
A beautiful tribute to a beautiful daughter!
April 14, 2010 at 5:57 PM
Blogger Jill said...

Beautiful post Michelle. Happy Birthday Kiddo!!!
May 3, 2010 at 10:27 AM

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