Thursday, April 8, 2010

APRIL 8, 2010

For a while, things were quiet.  Now, they are starting to pick up again, cancer wise.  Not with me....with others.  And, it's okay.

Earlier this week, I met up with folks that I have met through my blog.  Ron is a stage four colon cancer survivor who's still battling his beast, and he and his wife were in town this week visiting family.  We had the chance to meet up for dinner on Monday night, and it was fabulous.  I was so excited to meet up with them, and it was truly my pleasure.  Thanks for taking the time out of your vacation to hang with us!

I've taken some time off from working the various cancer advocacy stuff, and I think it's been good for me, mentally, especially since things look to be starting back up on a variety of planes soon - Undy 5000 planning starts later this month, followed by a meeting going through planning for the next couple of years for CCA locally.  Very exciting stuff, and while it's a little overwhelming to think about, it's all SO important.

I am hoping to get more involved with the i2y stuff again shortly (I've kind of let that slide, and I really want to get that up and going again soon.)  This week is Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week, and I totally dropped the ball on it.

I've had a couple of pieces of news from people that will have me back on the saddle helping folks with their own cancer battle.  All in all, they are without a doubt situation that I won't walk away from, but as I've said before, if I could get paid to do what I want to do, I'd be set for life.  :-)  I do SO enjoy helping folks, and when I can give them a piece of information that might help make a piece of this easier for them, it truly fills my heart.

I have also begun training in earnest with Cancer-to-5k.  I have been running about 15 miles per minute, which isn't GREAT if you are a runner of have been at this for a while, but for me, it's freaking awesome!  So, I will continue to do this, and work on making my body stronger and healthier.  I have a PET scan and a colonoscopy coming up in early summer, and I'm anxious about it, but I hope all will be well. 


Heat said...
It's always nice to see a post show up here :)

Glad all is well!
April 8, 2010 at 12:15 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

Was so great to meet you and Levi!
We miss Arizona all ready... came home to a wind chill of 39 degrees with snow on the foothills. Brrr!
April 8, 2010 at 12:42 PM

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