Tuesday, August 21, 2012

AUGUST 21, 2012

Well, I'm feeling physically and emotionally better today.  Still not 100%, but better.  Each day is a step in the right direction (well, until the next round).  But, I'll deal with the next round when I get to it, right?

Yesterday, I definitely overdid it.  I went to the gym, which probably wasn't the issue.  Overdoing it at the gym - yes, that was an issue.  I didn't do *too much* - but, 50 minutes on the treadmill, even at a slow walking pace, was too much.  Then, because my stomach wasn't feeling great, I wasn't eating.  Which, in turn, made my tummy even more unhappy.  I then forgot my mid-day Ritalin, which meant my energy level was at it's lowest in days.

*mental head slap*

Ok.  Today, I got the kids off to school, had a much-needed conversation with my friend, and got some errands done.  The A/C in my car died yesterday, so I'm trying to scrape together the money for that.  I'm so sensitive to the heat right now that I definitely can't be without A/C, especially here.  But, somehow, I'll make it work.

Today's other activities were sitting on my parents' couch, hanging out with their puppy and catching up on work emails.  I've been making a very concerted effort to take things more slowly, and to listen to my body. I don't want to - I'd much rather finish with chemo and just boom!  Be ready to tackle life.  But, no.  I need to recover.  I am trying to accept this lesson.  That doesn't mean I have to like it.  Ha....

Just wanted to let you all know that each day gets a little better.  It helps to experience and remember that.


Tina said...
So glad today is a better day for you. Take each day as it comes, "one day at a time" as the saying goes! :)
August 21, 2012 at 1:34 PM

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