Wednesday, February 6, 2013

FEBRUARY 6, 2013

I had to share this here.  One of my childhood friends, Jena, and I have reconnected on facebook.  She's married to a wonderful man who's currently deployed to Afghanistan.  She worked with him and sent me this picture yesterday.
 Jena's message: 
Michelle...I was trying to think of something to lift your spirits.  :)  
So...with my husband's help, here's your "other ARMY".  Love you!!!!!!

Freaking amazing.  

I saw this yesterday when I was sitting down to get lunch at CTCA.  I started crying, and every time I look at it after, I couldn't help but tear up.

Dave is serving our country, fighting for our freedom, and he took the time to do this.  For me.

I am so amazingly blessed.  

Please remember our troops, and their families, every day. Pray for them.  Think of them.  And, support them when they come back.  They need us, and we need them.


That is so wonderful!
February 6, 2013 at 9:17 AM

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