Sunday, February 24, 2013

FEBRUARY 24, 2013

Well, I figure if hot flashes are the worst thing I have to complain about, I can't be too bad off.  :)

The symptoms of having my last ovary removed have started kicking in, and the hot flashes are in full force.  They are awful, but I'm on some meds to try to mitigate them.

Let's see if I can explain the hot flashes.  It's definitely interesting.  I'll be going along in my life, and suddenly, I'll feel the hot flash coming.  It usually starts in my face, and it feels like it used to when I was working get that sweaty, hot-from-the-inside feeling.  It then kind of moves down through my body, and I start to get sweaty all over.  (Sexy, right?)  It's not a gross, I need to shower sweaty.  It's just a warmth all over my body, as if I've been standing in a fairly warm room for too long.

Sometimes, I can be found fanning myself, trying to relieve the heat.  I've been found standing in front of a fan, wafting my shirt to try to cool my body down.  My mom recommended a cold washcloth on my neck, and I'll try this to see if it helps.

This lasts for about 15-30 seconds, sometimes a minute, and then it's over.  And, then, I get cold.  Bitterly, ridiculously cold.  The sweat starts to cool my body, and my internal body temp starts to regulate, and I shiver.

It kind of sucks.

I had a follow-up with my Gyn Onc this week (surgical follow-up), we talked about this, and agreed that starting me on estrogen pills (lowest level for now) was smart.  I am going to pursue some other testing, too, to check the other hormone levels in my body and to see if there are some other things that I need to be monitoring.

I also had a follow-up with my pain doctor this week.  Long story short, the pain may be caused by nerve irritation due to muscular inflammation.  He put me on a long-lasting anti-inflammatory, and so far, I can't complain.  I've slept through the past two nights, for the first time in months, and I'm grateful for it.  He is talking about doing a nerve block to help relieve the pain, and I'm all for this.  This may get done this week, depending on his schedule.  I can explain more about this later, when I have time.

My massage appointment on Friday went well, too, and she concurred with the cause of my pain.  She and I worked together (well, she worked - I groaned in pain and tried not to jump off the table) to loosen up some of the muscles that are ridiculously tight, in an effort to relieve some of my pain.  So far, it has helped, or it appears to.  I'm moving around more, and I feel a physical and mental desire to do more with my body.  I've been doing a lot of stretching on my lower back, butt, and legs, and that seems to be helping, as well.  Although, now my body wants to do more.  In my head, I want to go to the gym, get out and walk/run, etc.  I know I can't quite yet, but I'm grateful for the desire.  It will only continue as I start to feel less pain (esp. if we can get the pain block done this week), and I'm very much looking forward to getting back to being more active.  I'm hoping that I can run in the Undy 5000 this year, and maybe, maybe do more.

And, with that, I'm going to publish this post and get to today's activities, which include a birthday party for friends, Girl Scouts cookie booth for Jules, and laundry.  :)


Akemiko said...
Michelle, in about 15 years your body will adjust - until then HRT next best bet! Welcome to the world of the post-menopausal.
February 26, 2013 at 8:57 AM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...

I used the Estradiol patches for six months and then quit. The daRn things would not stay on my skin.

In the beginning, after my hysterectomy, I had mood swings and bouts of crying plus night sweats but I've had none of that since I went off the hormones.
February 26, 2013 at 10:31 AM

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