Friday, March 1, 2013

MARCH 1, 2013

Today kicks off Colon Cancer Awareness Month, and is Dress in Blue Day!  I'm asking all of my readers, from here in Arizona to all across the nation and the world (that includes South Africa, Australia, Sweden, etc.) to please wear blue to support those still fighting, to honor those we have lost, and to celebrate those in remission!

I'll be attending an event put on by the local chapter of the Colon Cancer Alliance in downtown Phoenix...I am so excited, because I didn't think I would make it!  In addition, I woke up this morning and my facebook feed was exploding with pictures of people wearing blue!  It was amazing....I am so glad that people are willing to help me raise awareness.

A quick update:  I'm doing better.  The anti-inflammatory the doc has me on seems to be the piece we were missing.  I've actually been able to cut back on one of the other pills, which is nice.  I'm hoping to be able to cut others back soon.

I was in with my chiro yesterday, and he's talking about doing an MRI of my lower back, to try to definitively figure out what is (or isn't) going on, so we aren't guessing anymore.  We talked about managing the pain, but also trying to figure out what's causing the pain so we can eliminate it.

I'm ok with this.  Let's figure out what's causing it, so we can fix it, rather than masking it.

Other than that, I've been busy preparing for some family that's coming into town, and attending my many drs appointments.  I have more next week, including lab work to see what that pesky CEA is doing, and my initial consultation with the radiation onc doc at CTCA.  I'm not looking forward to that one, but it has to be done.

I've done a lot of things I wasn't looking forward to - I made it through all of them.  I always keep that in the back of my mind.

So, with that, I'll post more later.  I have a busy day ahead of me - Dress in Blue Day activities, a much-needed massage at CTCA (which are rarely relaxing - in reality, they are quite painful as we try to work through the tight muscles), and then Girl Scout cookie booth set-up (Levi's working it) tonight.

For those of you asking, I am making sure that I don't overdo it.  DIBD won't be as busy as it normally is - I'll be attending as a participant, rather than as a volunteer, so I won't be "working".  And, prior to that, I'm relaxing, making sure to stretch and do what I need to do to fix this issue.  After, same thing.  I am learning where my limits are (for now) and making damn sure to stay within them.

Mostly.  Sort of.  Ok - so I'm still learning.  :)


This is why I adore this man, and will support him until the day I die. 


Where the LIKE button?
March 1, 2013 at 4:17 PM
Blogger Tina said...

This gave me goosebumps. Awesome!
March 1, 2013 at 8:51 PM

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