Tuesday, March 26, 2013

MARCH 26, 2013

Well, they warned me.  They told me that fatigue would kick in, and that I would start to feel tired.  I don't know what I thought, or how I thought that would feel.  I know I didn't anticipate this.

I am so damn tired.  It's not something that I can nap away.  I can't sleep for 10 hours at night and feel rested.  I don't think I can adequately describe how I feel right now.

The only other time in my life that I felt like this was when I was in my first trimester for Kevin, and I was making a person.

Right now?  I'm trying to kill cancer.

I got a phone call from CTCA yesterday.  They pulled blood for labs yesterday, and both my white and red blood counts are low.  It's normal and expected, but they are definitely dropping.  This explains why I'm so tired, and it's something that they will continue to monitor.  I have another appointment for lab work on Thursday, about an hour before treatment is scheduled.  I'm hoping that I don't need to delay treatment....

Tomorrow, I have radiation scheduled, and I'll be attending the funeral services for a friend.  Betty Rose DeCarlo was the first person I met that was also battling colon cancer.  She was a member of The Wellness Community, and one of the main reasons that I got into advocacy.  She had been fighting rectal cancer for 7 years, and had already came out of hospice once.

Betty Rose was a fierce advocate, and talked with every single person she met about colon cancer prevention.  She was wholly dedicated to early detection and to asking for second opinions.  She thanked every caregiver she met for their support of the patient, and for their dedication.

You may not have always agreed with Betty Rose's methods, but her heart was always true.  Everything she did was to make sure someone else's journey was a little bit easier.

Betty Rose was one of main people responsible for bringing the local CCA chapter to Phoenix.  What she left behind was a rabid group of people hell-bent on making the world a better place.  Betty leaves behind her husband, Ron, and her daughter, Kara, who is currently in her own battle with breast cancer.  My hope is that Betty Rose is finally at peace, her husband gets some well-deserved, well-needed rest, and Kara beats this beast.

Tomorrow will be heart-wrenching.  It will also be hopeful and uplifting, as we remember Betty's life, and promise to continue her work.  I hope that I can continue to make her proud.


steffy said...
Stay strong and focused on the goal!

steph h
March 27, 2013 at 5:15 AM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...

You make everyone proud! Keep fighting!
March 27, 2013 at 8:43 AM

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