Tuesday, March 19, 2013

MARCH 19, 2013

Well, I had radiation #3 yesterday.  In an effort to fend off the nausea that started last week, I started taking Zofran, and that seems to be helping.  So far.  :)

I made it through yesterday with minimal nausea, and what I did have, I was able to keep in check with small snacks.

It's a learning process, and I'm trying to be a good student.

The GI issues have also started, which doesn't make me happy, but it is what it is.  So, I've had to modify my diet, which has required a mind-shift.  During my meeting with my nutritionist last week, I was told, and I quote, "white carbs = good".

Now, I'm not the best person to talk about what you should (or shouldn't) eat, but I can only imagine that, during her schooling, she never anticipated writing or saying those words.  Ever.  But, in the world of cancer, things change and you never know what's going to happen.

For me, I have to strictly limit what I eat.  Right now, there's a focus on feeding my body, providing it with energy, but also making sure that what I eat isn't going to irritate my bowels, add to the potential diarrhea  etc.  So, what does this mean?  Almost NO fruits or vegetables.  I can eat applesauce, bananas, and citrus.  No beans, whole nuts, seeds, whole grains, or legumes.  No dairy milk, but soy/coconut/almond milk is okay.  Cheeses and yogurts are okay, because they have been fermented.

Nut and seed butters are fine.  I asked why I couldn't have whole nuts, but nut butters are fine.  I was told that, when you process/grind the nuts or seeds, it breaks down the husks and limits the fiber.

Eggs and lean meats are going to be my new friends.  I have hard-boiled 18 eggs, but I haven't yet dug in.  I am probably going to make up some egg salad, maybe some deviled eggs, this weekend.  Something tells me I am going to be egg-ed out before this is all said and done.

I have to drink plenty of fluids, which is generally do now, but I'm much more conscious of it.  Once the GI issues really start to kick in, I'll need to make sure I'm taking in plenty of sodium and potassium....I need to learn to like coconut water.  I've heard that you can mix that half-and-half with a nectar fruit juice (like mango or pineapple) and a splash of almond milk....anyone have any other recipes to make the coconut water more palatable?

I will say that this has been a significant change for me.  I've become so used to trying to eat healthier (more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc.) that this feels like I'm misbehaving.  :)  You'd think this was fun, but honestly, I *liked* eating healthier.

Oh well - this is what needs to happen, so I'll consider it a temporary modification.

Today is my first weekly appointment with Dr. Chong.  I'm not sure what happens, but I'll let you know.  Meantime, today's schedule is pretty calm.  Laundry this morning, weekly appt and radiation this afternoon.

Wishing you all a beautiful day.


Tina said...

Get a prescription for Lomotil, if you haven't already. My bowels got so bad I couldn't eat ANY fruits, veggies, or juice. I lived off of mashed potatoes(from flakes), white rice, toast, and the ever present saltines (in the form of oyster crackers). I drank lots of koolaid and pink lemonade (from a powder mix). Don't worry, you'll get back to the healthy stuff soon enough. :) For now, you just need to be very gentle to your tummy! Just remember that radiation is zapping the cancer cells! Die, cancer, die! Praying for you! <3
March 19, 2013 at 4:21 PM

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