Wednesday, March 13, 2013

MARCH 13, 2013

I know I've been rather quiet on here lately.  There have been a myriad of reasons, but I'm hoping to update this week, in bits and pieces.

The big news this week is that I start radiation tomorrow.  I had my simulation yesterday, got three new tattoos (I think I may name seems appropriate), and my first of many appointments is tomorrow.  The reason for this is that while my CT scan came back clear, my CEA continues to rise, indicating that there is *something* going on in my body.  In talking with the radiation oncologist, Dr. Chong, it seems that (since my lung tumors haven't grown or changed) there are some rogue bastard cancer cells roaming in my pelvis/abdomen, and they are growing.  We need to get them before they become a tumor.  Hence, the radiation.

I get more information today during my med-onc appt with Dr. K. on what low-dose chemotherapy I am going to start on.  We need to use the low-dose chemo in conjunction with the radiation to make the radiation more effective.  It sounds like I might end up going back on Xeloda, which is fine with me.  I tolerated it pretty well, and I know what to expect.  But, I've learned to expect the unexpected.  As Dr. Chong told me last week, my case is a complicated one.  In my head, that means I can't go into any appointments with expectations.  Damn it.  I'd like to go in, expecting good news, for once.  :)

I'm anxious about this.  I hate it.  It's been a very emotional week for brothers (and sister-in-law and niece) were in town last week from New York and Sweden, and saying good-bye to them is always hard.  It's gotten harder since I was re-diagnosed, because I always wonder if I'll ever see them again.  Those feelings are really difficult to feel, and to deal with.  I hate to even admit that I feel that way, but I'd be lying otherwise, and I just don't have time for those kind of games, even with myself.

I cried yesterday, after I signed in at the radiation desk, and again as I walked through the door into the radiation area.  Between the emotions of saying goodbye to my family, and finally starting to accept what's coming my way, I'll just say that I've been a bit more....sensitive lately.  I have a lot building up inside.

But, that's for another post.

I'll do my best to bring you all up-to-date.  My apologies if there are many small posts over the next few days.

Wishing you all a wonderful day....and, hoping for a good day for me.  Lots of love to you all....


KA said...
Hugs and love and many prayers to you, sweet Michelle, as you travel this "new" journey of chemo and radiation. I hope you know the love and support that surrounds you today and everyday. XO :)
March 13, 2013 at 8:55 AM
Blogger Cody Bennett said...
I'm so sorry. This cancer is just an evil bitch. I think of you every single day and you are a blessing in my life.
March 13, 2013 at 1:33 PM
Blogger Thandi said...
Lots of love to you...Praying you will see them over and over and over.
March 14, 2013 at 3:28 AM
Blogger Alli said...

I just found your blog tonight...
I will definitely be back to see how you are doing...
please take good care.
Peace & Blessings Love Alli....xx
March 16, 2013 at 5:06 PM

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