Saturday, March 16, 2013

MARCH 16, 2013


You don't deserve a "dear" or a capital letter.  You are not worthy of my kindness or my generosity.

This week started a new battle in this war to beat you.  Chemotherapy and radiation.  I hate that I have to do this, but not nearly as much as I hate you.

I.  Hate.  You.

The nausea started day one.  I was thinking that it may be from my own thoughts, that I am causing the nausea.  I just don't know now.  Last night, the nausea kicked in pretty good, and I had to take a Zofran.

That's ok.  If I'm feeling it already, the therapies must be working.

I'll learn to deal with them, just as I've had to learn to deal with you.

Just know this.  You will not win.

I am strong.  I am a warrior.

You are going down...

Sent to you with as much hate, loathing and maliciousness as I can muster,


Joan Bardee said...

best of luck as you beat this scum!
March 17, 2013 at 6:49 AM

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