Sunday, June 3, 2012

JUNE 3, 2012

I hate being nauseous.  I don't think there's a worse feeling than this.  (Ok - I know there is....but right now, I'd take just about anything over nausea.)

I'm starting to feel human again.  Was hoping that yesterday I might feel normal, but nope.  Slept the day away, thanks for Ativan every four hours.  That was the only way to make it through the day.  Nausea would kick up - then, snacks, Ativan, and sleep.  Not the way I wanted to spend my Saturday, but there's not much I can do about it.

All I keep telling myself is, one more round.  One.  More.  Round.

I will be so disappointed if I have to continue with the pump after the next round of chemo.  I'm so looking forward to life without the pump.  I know it won't be easy - chemo never is.  But, to only have to go in once every three weeks, and then, for a single-day chemo?  Ahhhh.....seems like a vacation.  Sort a twisted way.

I sit here, with a sick little man (he's been on and off for almost a week now, and we aren't sure if it's food allergies, a bug, or something else altogether), and Levi and Jules are off running errands.  I don't think I'm up for that yet, especially with the heat here (it's in the low 100s today).  Went outside in the garage yesterday and immediately came back inside.  Too hot for me, at least right now.  Later this week, I'll be just fine.

This week consists of doctor's appointments and getting the kids stuff pulled together for their upcoming trip.  Then, I can start looking at my own plans for my travel back to Syracuse in a few weeks.  I need to go shopping - the mixture of constant snacking to keep the nausea at bay plus the steroids (which they doubled) has caused my clothing to shrink.  :)  So, I need to pick up a few things, and on the cheap.  Any ideas on where to go in the Phoenix area for inexpensive summer clothes would be welcome.  I will be hitting consignment shops here in my town this week - any other ideas?

All right - enough babbling from me.  I'm off to, well, do nothing.  LOL!  Enjoy the rest of your day!  More this week, hopefully in a more upbeat mood.  :)


Thandi said...

I hope you will get relief from the nausea.
June 3, 2012 at 9:27 PM

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