Tuesday, November 23, 2010

NOVEMBER 23, 2010

This disease is awful, horrible, and all sorts of other words.

After a week of wishful thinking, a 
post was uploaded to a friend's blog that confirmed my worst fears.  For those of you that don't know Melissa's story, you can read through the blog.  Basically, she's a young adult (32 years old) that was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer.  She's fought it with dignity and honesty, and it looks like she's nearing the end of her battle.


Last week, Levi told me about someone he met whose 17 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer here in Phoenix.

Why?  There's no reason for any of this.  And yet, if I spend my time wondering why, I won't get anywhere.  So, I'll continue to fight on behalf of myself and the others who can no longer fight.

Stupid cancer.  Stupid, stupid cancer. 

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