Tuesday, November 30, 2010

NOVEMBER 30, 2010

First, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Ours was, um, long.  And, not in a good way.

Over the weekend, we have had two major things happen.  First (and, in my opinion, the most important) is that my father is in the hospital.  He fell a couple of weeks ago, and had some back pain due to it.  We thought it was getting better, but over the weekend, the pain came back worse than ever.  He asked my mom to take him to the ER here in AZ Saturday night, and they admitted him.  They did a CT scan (assuming he was dealing with kidney stones), and found a 4-5cm *something* on his kidney.  Obviously, this was cause for concern, especially because the urologist doesn't feel that this is the cause of the pain.

They did an MRI yesterday, and found potential issues with his spine.  As a result, they also did an X-ray, and we expect the results of both today.  There has been talk of the *something* being a tumor, and obviously that's going to have to be investigated.  Right now, there are two separate issues - the back pain, and the kidney.  As I said, the doctor doesn't seem to feel that they are related issues.  It seems as if the back pain allowed them to find the kidney issue.  Thank goodness.

Right now, while we'd like to hope that this is going to be nothing more than a bruise, we are planning for the very real possibility that my father could have kidney cancer.  I have been doing some preliminary research, and it looks like (if that's the case), we caught it early.  Always a good thing.  We should have more information today, and I will let you all know.  (My dad just texted me - they moved him to a suite-like room, and he's now worried that this is to offset bad news.)

On top of this, over the weekend, I found a lump on my left breast.  *sigh*  I was able to get in to see my doctor yesterday, and he thinks it's just a cyst.  However, given the circumstances, no one wants to take any chances, so I have an appointment with a breast surgeon next week to get an ultrasound done and to determine whether I need to worry.  Until then, I'll try not to worry too much.  :)

So, if you have time, good through, good vibes, and prayers are welcome and appreciated.  I'll update on both accounts as soon as I can. 


Of course, I hope that there are no cancers and that the back pain is resolve-able.

If it is at all helpful, my brother-in-law had kidney cancer that was caught early because of some other problem. That was 10 or more years ago, and he's had no problems since then.
November 30, 2010 at 8:59 AM
OpenID dcwriting said...
Michelle, you have one hell of a strong family. You will get through anything and you will always have someone to lean on. Hopefully this all turns out to be nothing so you won't have anything to get through though except normal day to day life (which can in and of itself be a struggle!). I send my thoughts and prayers out there to you and your father.

Danielle (Ashley's friend from the bridal party).
November 30, 2010 at 10:57 AM


Quick update on my dad: MRI came back confirming that that *something* on his tumor is definitely solid, and was picking up the contrast from the MRI, which means it also has blood flow to it.  Based on this, the assumption is that the tumor is likely cancer.  Regardless of the diagnosis (which can't happen until the doctors are able to biopsy the tumor), the kidney must come out.  The tumor is 5.7 cm in width (about 2 inches); if it doesn't come out, it will cause problems in the future.

Right now, the biggest issue is getting his back healed.  The MRI and X-ray didn't show any bone or other damage, which is good news.  The pain is probably a combination of the spinal stenosis, the arthritis, and a twist in the wrong direction (as well as the fall he took).

Next step is to get Dad home.  They are running a bone scan tomorrow to get a baseline (kidney cancer will metastasize to the bones) and then he heads home.  After that, all energies need to be toward getting his back to a point where the doctor is willing and able to perform the surgery.

Mom and Dad will meet with the doctor next week to discuss the surgery further, and to discuss options.  Until then, please keep them both in your thoughts.


Kelley said...

I love you all, and you are all in my thoughts and prayers. If there is ANYTHING that I can do, even if it's just to pray my damn heart out, let me know!

November 30, 2010 at 8:01 PM

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