Thursday, December 2, 2010

DECEMBER 2, 2010

Day 5: Dad is still in the hospital, though it looks like he might come home today.  He had a bone scan yesterday, and the internist isn't comfortable releasing Dad until he sees the results.

Mom and Dad took a call yesterday from the urologist, who consulted with a colleague on Dad's case.  Apparently, the original urologist (Dr. Chung) still has concerns about Dad's back and how it will handle the surgery.  He consulted with another Dr (Dr. H - I can't remember his name, so we'll pretend that's it), who has experience in a surgical technique that uses laproscopic surgery to remove the kidney, through incisions lower on the abdomen, rather than a single large incision higher up on the abdomen.  It sounds like this will have less overall effect on Dad, but there are still a lot of questions (obviously).  Mom and Dad have a pre-op appointment on Monday to discuss.  I'm hoping to go with them.

Thanks again for all the love and support - it's definitely a blessing to have you all rooting for him (and me).  Here's hoping for good news overall!

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