Saturday, December 25, 2010

DECEMBER 25, 2010

Wishing all of my family and friends an amazing Christmas holiday!

The kids have had a wonderful week!  They had Christmas with their Grandma Donna last weekend, then Christmas with Uncle Jim and Uncle Tom on Monday.  Monday also brought their Christmas party at daycare, including cookies, games, and gift exchange.  Yesterday afternoon, they opened Christmas at Nana and Papa's house, which was WAY more than everyone expected.  (Nana likes to spoil her babies...)

And, last night, Santa visited our house, bringing lots of toys and fun stuff.  The big gift from us?  Big kid bikes!  We sent them on a scavenger hunt for their bikes, and I'm hoping they might want to go for a ride later today!

Right now, we are sitting in the living room.  The kids are surrounded by their toys, we are all watching 
Phineas and Ferb (apparently a very popular choice in my family), and just enjoying the day!

I hope everyone has a fabulous holiday celebration!  Much love from our family to yours!

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