Wednesday, December 29, 2010

DECEMBER 29, 2010

9 years ago today, I walked down the aisle and married my husband.  It's hard to imagine that we've been married for 9 years - some days it seems like it's been only a few short months - other days, it feels like it's been forever. :)

I found the wedding pictures, and here are some of my favorites.  Looking at these brought back TONS of memories. 
 Levi and I at the alter.  Imagine - I was 5 months pregnant.  Yikes!
 One of my best friends, Amy, was my maid of honor, and we had SO MUCH FUN! 
 This is part of my CP family (Walt Disney World College Program Fall 1996).  LOVE them!

My family - look at how young we all look!  What's going to happen in the next ten years!?!?  :)

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