Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DECEMBER 8, 2010

As my last post said, Dad's home and doing well.  He's up, moving around and enjoying life.  He seems to be in good spirits, and we are all anxiously awaiting the surgery date.  Dad and Mom went to the doctor's on Monday to discuss the new surgery plans, and they are both comfortable with the new doctor as well as the gameplan.  Basically, the doctor will make a small incision (about 4 inches) above the belly button, along with two laproscopic incisions on his left side.  The two small incisions will be used for the camera and tool, and the large incision will be used for the removal of the kidney once it's detached.  Recovery time will be about 3-4 weeks, with about 2-5 days in the hospital.  The dr seems to feel that the remaining kidney will be able to pick up the function with no issues, and that Dad will be off and running (so to speak) within a month or so.  The bone scan indicated that there's been no metastasizing of the cancer, which is a good thing.  Basically, the doctor told Mom and Dad that he's very lucky he fell and we found this - the alternative wouldn't be good at all.  Thank goodness he fell...

I went to the breast surgeon yesterday, and it appears that the lump is gone (likely a cyst).  She did an in-office ultrasound yesterday, and there's a small shadow in the area (shadowing from the cyst or a fibrous adenoma), so she's sending me for an ultrasound and mammogram today.  Either of those options are harmless, so both are good.  :)  However, she's being cautious given my history, which I'm grateful for.  I expect that there will be no issues, and that when I got back for a follow-up on January 13th, all will be well.

Will let you all know when Dad's surgery date is - hoping to get it today... 


Surgery date for Dad

Dad's surgery date is Wednesday, 12/15 in the morning.  

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