Wednesday, September 22, 2010

SEPTEMBER 22, 2010

A couple of things I wanted to update y'all on...

First, I registered for the Undy 5000 here in Phoenix, and I'd like to ask for your support.  This is the third event that I've taken part in, and this year, I'm running the event and running IN the event.  I am the chairperson for the local CCA chapter, and I'm also training to run in the event.  (I like to stay busy....).  If you are able, please consider going to my 
fundraising website and donating.  If you are so inclined, I would love it even more if you would join my team and celebrate with me on October 30th.

Second, I am training to run in the 5k.  I am working with a group called 
Cancer-to-5K, which is just amazing.  They work with cancer survivors and help them get more active, eventually training them to run in a 5k.  Who would have thought three years ago that I'd be training to run anything, much less a 5k.  Now, I'm running 2-3 times each week, working with a personal trainer here in AZ as well as the CT5K trainer, and will be able to complete the 5k in a reasonable amount of time.  Who knows - maybe, I'll run more races in the future.  We'll see what happens - last night, I was running and poof - shin splints so bad I couldn't stand it and was in tears on the treadmill.  OUCH!

What else?  Quite frankly, beyond working, training, chairing the Undy 5000, working other advocacy events, attending personal events (i.e., Natty and Deron's wedding), and attempting to give my children and husband the attention and love they deserve, I don't have time for much else.

On the wedding front, I did get the amazing chance to attend Natty and Deron's wedding.  Deron, as you may remember, is Kim's widower, and Natty was one of Kim's very best friends.  They fell in love after Kim's death, and got married a couple of weekends ago.  It was a beautifully simply ceremony, but the way the two of them radiated the day of the was priceless.  Such an honor to be there to celebrate this amazing occasion with them.  The kids were in attendance, and Natty takes such good care of them.  It's so reassuring to see that life does go on, and that amazing things can happen after tragedy.  Truly, this is an example of how to live life to the fullest each day, and not take what you have for granted.  I couldn't be happier for Natty and Deron, and I know deep in my heart that Kim was there with us, smiling.  (Yes, there were dragonflies and butterflies outside the ceremony.....)

The kids are doing well - getting big and just enjoying life.  I really can't wait until the Undy is over - I miss my kids, and I can't wait to spend time with them without having the Undy or some other advocacy event looking in the back of my mind.  38 more days....

I think that's about it.  Just wanted to spend some time updating.  More in a bit...


Whidbey Woman said...

Wow. I am exhausted just reading this post! Busy, busy, BUSY!
September 27, 2010 at 4:36 AM

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