Friday, September 30, 2011

SEPTEMBER 30, 2011

You know that feeling of amazement when the right song comes on the radio at the right time?  That happened to me today.

History lesson:  When I was going through chemo, this song was a big hit on the radio.  It came to be my anthem and helped me through *so much*.  I bought the CD and played this song all the time.  It was on the radio when I needed it most.  It seemed to define what I was going through, and was a reminder to keep plugging away.

Today, I had an appointment with the oncologist.  It was just a bi-annual check-up, and really just a recap of what I already knew.  I'm cancer free.  *happy dance*  He said that with everything looking as good as it does, there's no reason to continue with the PET scans, so unless the routine blood work starts to show an issue (he put me back on a 3-month regimen to monitor my slightly elevated CEA level), I don't have to have any more radiation.  :)

I am so happy!

On my way home, this song came on.  I remember sitting in my car, blaring this song then as a way to keep my spirits up and my emotions in check as I was dealing with the side effects, the uncertainty, the emotions.  Today, my windows were down, my radio was blasting, and I had tears streaming down my face.  Why?  Because I'm still fighting.  I went through hell, I'll go through it again, and I'll keep fighting.  I'll keep going through hell, and I'll try to get out before the devil knows I'm there.

Fuck you, cancer.  This chick wins.  You suck.  That is all.


Whidbey Woman said...
:) I'm smilin', girl! I love that song, too. I don't consider myself a country music fan, but there are some songs that just say it all. This is one of them.
October 1, 2011 at 9:14 AM
Blogger keira said...

Some songs just stay in our mind and it never goes. That fills our day with peace and pleasure. This is one such kind of a song.

breast cancer center
October 6, 2011 at 10:53 AM

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